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The national cinema regrets the early departure of Agu Netto

The audiovisual producer Agu Netto passed away yesterday at the age of 46. He himself conquered space in the local scene by having used different functions as producer, director, etc., in a series of film productions such as documentaries and even in television programs and advertisements. In addition to having also worked as a cultural manager, in recent years he collaborated with the sector from the public function.

Outfit; Simple; Cinema and music; Andrea & Sofi; Guahory; Tereré, traditional knowledge and practices; Upstream; Rubén, the death of a peasant; Another Hand; are some of the productions that had the collaboration of Netto.

Outstanding. The departure of the Paraguayan filmmaker shocked the audiovisual sector. Members and referents of the artistic area expressed their regret through social networks

“The National Secretariat of Culture has lost one of the figures who shone with their own light in their tasks, and did so in the area of ​​audiovisuals,” said the Minister of Culture, Rubén Capdevila, in a publication, referring to the departure of Netto, whom he dismissed on behalf of the institution with “deep gratitude and appreciation.”

“Confusion”, “tragedy” and “sadness” were some of the words used by the filmmaker’s relatives in the different publications that they shared in regret at his departure. In the same way, they remembered him as a leader, talented, simple, friendly figure and above all a great connoisseur of cinema, by sharing anecdotes about projects and recalling the coexistence with the filmmaker.

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