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The National Bank announces the advantages and conditions of opening savings accounts and makes a pleasant surprise about the high dollar flows

The National Bank announced today a pleasant surprise for the Egyptians about the dollar, as the bank’s vice-chairman confirmed that the green paper’s flows have risen recently, especially after the decision to float the Egyptian pound against foreign currencies to $ 67 billion for the first time since the pound’s float in 2016 and details can be known. Through the link next one

The National Bank of Egypt decided to reduce interest rates on personal loans from last Sunday, and the bank revealed price details in numbers for all customers who want to obtain personal loans, whether they are employees or self-employed or otherwise, and you can get to know the details through the following address: ” National Bank reduces interest rates on personal loans.

Ahli Bank
Ahli Bank

National Bank reduces interest rates on savings accounts

The Central Bank had issued a decision to reduce interest rates by 1% on savings vessels, and the National Bank issued an important decision a few hours ago to reduce interest rates on all savings accounts by a rate ranging from 1% to 1.5%, after the central bank’s decision to reduce interest rates by 1%, and it is worth noting that the bank offers four savings accounts and we will show them to you in detail. Reducing the interest rate on all savings accounts“.

National Bank of Egypt

The National Bank of Egypt is trying to gain the trust of many customers during this stage, through the advantages that it offers to all citizens in order to meet their requests, through a package of features that he launched on savings accounts, and we will highlight in the next lines some of these features and conditions on savings accounts .

Savings accounts from AlAhli Bank

Where an account is opened in the National Bank with a minimum of one thousand pounds, but the minimum for calculating interest in the Egyptian pound is 3001 pounds, and an account in foreign currencies is opened and it is 100 dollars or 100 euros.

Or for the periodicity of the return to the Egyptian pound, it is calculated “monthly / quarterly / semi-annual / yearly”. As for the dollar and the euro, the account is annual, and so is the pound sterling.

Ahli Bank
National Bank reduces the interest rate on savings accounts

Savings account features in AlAhli Bank

It is possible to open a joint account with more than one person. Transfers can also be made to this account, whether from abroad or abroad, which facilitates the burden on clients, whether Egyptian or foreign, and either of them is entitled to withdraw or deposit at any time with a personal card or proof of identity that deals It out with the banks.

Conditions for opening savings accounts from AlAhli Bank

A copy of the Egyptian national ID card or passport of the foreigner, after reviewing the original by the bank employee, a copy of the birth certificate of the national number of the minor and the guardianship decision, if any.

The National Bank is trying during this period to attract many customers by offering many advantages, in light of competition from all banks for the inclusion of new customers.

The National Bank raises administrative expenses fees on savings accounts

The National Bank decided during the last period to raise administrative expenses on savings accounts for 250 pounds annually, in exchange for the services it provides to the customer, and the bank has offered a “privilege” card to all citizens free of charge without any administrative expenses, where the identity card is photographed inside the bank, and that In light of the transformation of the state to withdraw and electronic payment.

The citizen can get to know all the details by visiting the nearest branch of the National Bank of Egypt, or visiting the bank’s website on the link next one

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