Home » today » World » The nation is illiterate when we have such prime ministers – 2024-08-18 02:17:02

The nation is illiterate when we have such prime ministers – 2024-08-18 02:17:02

/ world today news/ To publish your management program in the month when almost all people are on vacation, to demonstrate a desire to implement a program after you have already concluded a coalition agreement, speaks of cutting the numbers. Political scientist Arman Babikyan commented this to Frog News.

The normal logic is that a cabinet comes to power with a program behind it, so that when a parliament votes in favor of a government it knows that it is not simply voting for the pleasure of one person, or the combination of interests of several parties with personal appointments in individual ministries, and voted for the implementation of a political project for a management program.

Apparently Bulgaria, as a parliamentary republic, has once again chosen a cabinet that is agreed on the basis of who has more people in the National Assembly and who is sympathetic to whom.

The program of the Reformers was a huge firman. Has anyone said what part of these points are fulfilled and what part is not. Has anyone said why they are not fulfilled? We observed the same with the earlier government. No one intends to implement the points of the management program. We are in power for the sake of power itself, and whether something will happen as promised is all up to her. Because no one believes in it anymore and no one cares.

The fact is that the sovereign in the person of the Bulgarian people and the parliament as its representative also do not show the slightest interest in seeing whether a management program is implemented. Not a single member of parliament from the ruling party has the temerity to ask on behalf of their constituents whether point X has been implemented, when it will be implemented, why it is not implemented and why it is not planned in next year’s budget.

Every once in a while a snotty person appears to explain that there is no unemployment and that the lazy and the illiterate do not work. The nation is illiterate after we have such prime ministers. When 2 million people have emigrated from this country because either there is no work, or there is no justice, or there is no future for the children, it is easy to boast about the absence of unemployment. After a few months you can boast that there is no more crime. Finally, you can boast that only the members of GERB are left in the country. This is cynicism.

#nation #illiterate #prime #ministers

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