Home » today » News » The Narva region of the Center Party supports Tanel Kiike as chairman

The Narva region of the Center Party supports Tanel Kiike as chairman

The central party’s Narva regional board decided to nominate Tanel Kiige as a candidate for chairman at the party’s extraordinary congress, because his potential to become the next prime minister of Estonia is very high.

Tanel Kiige’s experience as the head of the prime minister’s office, the minister of social affairs, the minister of health and labor, the deputy mayor of Tallinn and the leader of the Center Party faction in the Riigikogu confirm his readiness and ability for a responsible position – to become the chairman of the Center Party.

Tarmo Tammiste, chairman of the Narva region, said that the members of the region consider it important that whoever of the candidates becomes the chairman of the party after the extraordinary congress, the Central Party must move forward united and despite some differences, a common language must be found. “Two hard stones do not grind good flour,” he added Tarmo Tammiste.

“It is very important for Narva that the Center Party becomes the government party again. Only in this case can Narva count on support from the state, on which the development of our city and the well-being of the residents depend,” stressed the deputy chairman of the Narva region. Andrus Tamm.

The members of the Central Party’s Narva regional board emphasize that the main goal of the party is to preserve unity, domestic peace and the ability to cooperate in Estonia, because for our people, the Center Party remains the only hope for a fairer country.

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