Home » World » The name of Todor Zhivkov will remain written in capital letters in Bulgarian history! The insults against him will be forgotten! – 2024-08-05 22:03:42

The name of Todor Zhivkov will remain written in capital letters in Bulgarian history! The insults against him will be forgotten! – 2024-08-05 22:03:42

/ world today news/ Yesterday marked 25 years since the death of Todor Zhivkov. Tribute to his memory!

To a large extent, the statesman born in Pravets identifies with the era of socialism in our country.

If today we believe what is written in the liberal media, then we have died of hunger and the DS has shot people in the streets. Again, according to the media slavishness, among the older people there was still nostalgia for those times, but it was actually nostalgia for their youth…

All this is pure and clumsy propaganda, which unfortunately many of the younger Bulgarians blindly believe.

No system is perfect. We are human, not angels.

And soca was not perfect, but compared to today’s democracy, it turned out to be much more suitable for our society.

Zhivkov can be accused of anything, but in his time Bulgaria was the second in terms of living standards in Eastern Europe – a country with a strong army (156,000 people, 2,300 tanks, 700 combat aircraft, 5,000 guns and mortars, 52 rocket launchers ), with one of the most powerful intelligence services, with nuclear power, with 530 scientific institutes, a country exporting electronics to West Germany and the Netherlands…

During this rule, the Bulgarian population increased from 7 to 9,000,000 people, and between the 1950s and 1970s, Bulgaria pulled ahead compared to a number of countries.

In 1987, when for the first time the UN measured the so-called human development index, our country was placed in 27th place among 130 countries in the world, with Japan in first place, and the USA in 19th place. This means that our development has been highly successful. In the Balkans, only Greece is slightly ahead of us – in 22nd place, and of the former socialist countries only the GDR (21st place) and Czechoslovakia (25th place). Yugoslavia is in 31st place, Hungary in 30th place, Poland in 33rd place, Romania in 41st place.

Bulgaria during communism was never in recession, let alone bankrupt, as pro-Western propaganda teaches.

According to gross domestic product per capita in 1988, our country climbed to 25th place in the world. By comparison, today we have fallen to 78th place

During the period 1954-1988, virtually the entire road network we use today was built, and the country was fully electrified and water-supplied. Our industry has become a leader. Such innovative industries as electronics, electrical engineering, production of equipment for nuclear power plants, trucks, buses were developed.

Bulgaria was among the three largest producers of electricity and forklifts and among the first in the development of the chemical industry. Our military industry was also very strong. The basis for our strong tourism was built, which even today provides a significant part of the GDP. Our energy sector was one of the strongest in Europe. Illiteracy was completely eradicated. The percentage of Bulgarians with secondary and higher education increased more than 10 times.

Culture, art and sports also reached unknown heights. Example – during the period 1954 – 1988, about 700 feature films were produced, some of which are at the world level. We cannot make analogies with our modern times at all. In recent years, about 10 films have been produced per year, most of which are literally difficult to watch.

The same difference is in mass music – it is downright sad to compare the times of Emil Dimitrov, Lili Ivanova, Diana Express, with today’s times of Aazis, Gloria or Fiki.

For sports, the differences are even greater. While back in the day there was no Olympics from which our teams returned without gold medals, today we enjoy bronze in sports such as women’s wrestling or women’s weightlifting.

Names such as Emilian Stanev, Yordan Radichkov, Bogomil Rainov, Damian Damyanov shone in our national literature at that time…

Today we have Ivosiromakhovtsi, Georgigospodinovtsi and one Kalin Terziyski. These comedic characters who hate Bulgaria represent our native fiction.

These are the facts. Let’s return to Zhivkov again.

I think history, when sooner or later it shakes off today’s propaganda insinuations, will put this man on a pedestal.

History, as we know, never ends. Stefan Stambolov and Napoleon Bonaparte and Andronicus Comnenus and Gaius Julius Caesar were insulted and ridiculed like Zhivkov. However, their place in time remains. Today, some zombies of the matrix still try to make fun of Zhivkov – he was a peasant, a shepherd (according to the misunderstanding, a pauper), etc.

However, people go down in history with what they have done. No matter how hard the global satanists try to erase the truth of the past, they will not succeed. There other, literally much higher factors determine things!

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