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The Mystery of the White City: Fossils and Artifacts Unearthed in Monkey God City

Fossils and Artifacts in Monkey God City found. PHOTO/MIRROR

LIMA – Mystery of White City or Lost City of Monkey God covered by tropical rain forest still a mystery.

Christopher Fisher, an expert on Mesoamerica from Colorado State University, USA describes a research team led by documentary filmmaker Steve Elkins, conducting an aerial survey in la Mosquitia, Honduras, using remote sensing technology (LIDAR).

The scans revealed evidence of man-made features stretching for more than a mile across a valley.

When Fischer and his colleagues explored the depths of this lost city, they found its remote location at least eludes plunder for a long time.

“Indeed it is the least disturbed virgin rainforest in South America,” said Dr. Mark Plotkin, an ethnobotany expert from the Amazon forest protection team told the National Geographic Channel.

The lost “White City” or “Lost City of Monkey God” may sound like something out of an Indiana Jones movie, but three years ago in Mexico, Fisher discovered a lost city, which had a civilization on par with the Aztecs. .

The archaeological team believes that this latest discovery is a city in the middle of a tropical rain forest, and is the origin of the legendary “White City” in Mosquitia Honduras.

The prosperous period when the city was built was estimated between 1000 – 1400 AD. While the factors that led to their destruction are still unknown at this time.

2023-07-02 05:23:20
#LiDAR #Technology #Reveals #Details #Fossils #Artifacts #City #Monkey #God

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