Home » today » News » The mysterious story of 14 tankers. The disaster of the century that went unnoticed – 2024-02-11 22:50:57

The mysterious story of 14 tankers. The disaster of the century that went unnoticed – 2024-02-11 22:50:57

/ world today news/ The international media reported that tankers carrying Russian oil were blocked in Korean ports. Their cargo cannot be sold because of the sanctions, and the ships have been converted into floating warehouses. The rebuttal came too late, the damage to Russia was already done.

When we say that the West has started an information (also known as “cognitive” and “mental”) war against Russia, we do not always clearly imagine how serious the situation is. How many false information occasions does the enemy create and what does it actually achieve by doing so?

Meanwhile, the enemy’s goal is to discredit Russia and Russians on literally every item on the news agenda for every single day. And to do this by clogging the brains of the Russians themselves and those who can sympathize and help them and the people of Western countries with informational garbage

The latter, of course, is especially important for the enemy: there is too much disappointment in the West about defeats, about the fact that Russia did not collapse under the weight of sanctions, but on the contrary, demonstrated better economic dynamics than the West itself, which imposed the sanctions. Showing how well “sanctions work” is vital to the enemy. Especially when it comes to oil.

This is actually a serious matter: the Russians have been given a “price ceiling”, but they will not abide by it under any circumstances. The Russians were forbidden to transport oil by sea (more precisely, they made it unprofitable to insure such transport), but they, in turn, quickly acquired a “shadow tanker fleet” and trade oil as before.

The West can’t stand this, but it can’t really do anything about it. But it is quite possible to convince your citizens (and at the same time some of ours) that “in reality everything is not as it really is”.

Let’s see how it’s done. We won’t look for many examples: everything we’re going to talk about happened in the media in the past week.

The information attack – an open sting

It all started with the sources of the Reuters agency – one of the largest and most authoritative in the West, one of those who are trusted by default until proven false. Reuters published a message on January 26: Russia struggles to sell Pacific oil, 14 tankers stuck – according to the agency, 14 Russian tankers carrying a total of 10 million barrels of oil from the Sakhalin-1 field are stuck off the coast of South Korea.

They are stuck in the port of Yeosu, and the tankers cannot sell the oil and leave because of sanctions imposed on the ships’ owner, Sun Ship Management, for carrying oil at a price above $60 a barrel. That same price ceiling. Various media subsequently reported details of what was happening – for example, that at least a third of the Sokol-branded oil was destined for Indian Oil Corp.

So from a western point of view there was a big win, the sanctions are working, the Russians can’t sell and transport their oil: hooray, hooray, hooray.

Of course, the news caused a lot of comments, including on our social networks – here, as they say, the governorate started writing. There were those who connected what was happening with the upcoming visit of Vladimir Putin to North Korea, about which Tsargrad wrote more than once, and those who suggested that Russia was using its allies in North Korea to punish South…

In the meantime, “time passed and it got dark”, the stuffing of Reuters was noticed by the official authorities – and new and real information began to appear in the information field.

Late counter move. That is, a pass

First, on January 28, the South Korean State Maritime and Port Logistics System reported that “there is only one oil tanker with raw materials from Russia in the ports of Yeosu – Guanyang”. It dropped anchor in Yocheon Harbor on January 12 and will remain there until January 31, when it will sail for Singapore.

The tanker LA BALENA was in Yeosu from 8 to 11 January, then departed for Vadinar. The tanker NELLIS berthed at this port from 28 November to 2 December 2023, after which she proceeded to the Indian port of Paradip.’

That is, South Korea calmly announced that there is no scandal, no one detained anywhere for any reason 14 tankers, and of the three large tankers that recently visited the port, two have already left, and one will continue its journey on schedule.

On January 29 (presumably after careful verification and coordination of the information with all possible stakeholders), Russian officials also reported how things really stand in Korean ports and where Russian tankers dock.

The Russian Consulate General in Busan has not received any requests from the crews of oil tankers said to be idle off the coast of South Korea pending a resolution of difficulties over the sale of Russian oil to India.

At the same time, according to the message of RIA Novosti, “only one of the ’14 tankers in South Korean ports’ said to be idle off South Korea’s coast pending a resolution of difficulties over the sale of Russian oil to India turned out to be available.” Statistical data were also cited, which show not difficulties, but on the contrary, an intensification of Russian trade in raw materials through Korean ports:

Tankers carrying crude oil from Russia visited Yeosu-Guanyang Port 153 times in 2023. Compared to last year, the number of port calls increased by 50%, and the total gross tonnage of oil tankers increased by 63%. . At the same time, the number of visits to the same port by tankers from India also increased sharply: from 7 to 40. Their total tonnage approached 3 million, which is almost a third of that of Russia.

So we can safely send the sacramental “congratulations citizen you lied” of Bulgakov to the Western media. Not for the first time and not for the last time. But is it possible to be comfortable with this?

Let’s look at the situation again. The Reuters announcement, according to which Russia tries to sell Pacific oil: 14 tankers run aground” appeared three days before it was due, and a reasonable response was given from our side of the chessboard.

This means that for at least two days everyone believed Reuters – reputation! – and the “expert” comments and simple discussions multiplied, in which they repeated in different ways a single thesis: Russia has difficulties.

We will hardly surprise anyone if we say that even after the official statement of Russian diplomats and the Russian state news agency, the flow of these comments will not stop. More precisely, it will stop, but for another reason – because “the news on the Internet lasts 6 hours, and the most interesting – three days.”

The blow has already been struck, it has already been drilled into the reader’s brain that the sanctions are working, now go talk about the growth of trade turnover and the real price of Russian oil, which is higher than the price ceiling. But it’s late.

So what?

It has been repeated thousands of times, but all to no avail: the joke about the Russian tanker who, amidst the ruins of the enemy’s capital, says to his comrade: “Eh, it’s a pity, Vanya, it’s a pity that we lost the information war” – this is not an anecdote, but a statement of a sad fact . The enemy’s propaganda works faster and better than ours and strikes in unexpected directions. We just need to be able to turn around, but for now we still don’t have time.

Something needs to be done about the speed of response of the official departments and the state machinery as a whole. And as soon as possible. One day, information sabotage will not be about the oil barrels at the end of the world, but something closer and more painful.

Translation: ES

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