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The Mysterious Disappearance of Andrew Gosden: A Shocking Case of a Missing Teenager

Andrew Gosden was born in 1993 in Doncaster, England. The boy was an outstanding student. He could boast of 100% attendance at school, which confirmed his conscientiousness. Andrew also showed a particular talent for science. No wonder that he planned to study at the prestigious University of Cambridge in the future.

Family and teachers described Gosden as quite absent-minded, shy and extremely mature for his age. The boy was also very introverted. Even with family members, he rarely shared stories from school or his own thoughts. Andrew spent most of his free time at home. He liked to play the console, read books and listen to metal music.

A few days before his disappearance, the boy started a new school year. It was unusual for Andrew to start walking home instead of taking the school bus. This surprised the 14-year-old’s relatives, because he had to walk almost seven kilometers.

The day Andrew Gosden disappeared

On the morning of September 14, 2007, Andrew had trouble getting out of bed, which he had hardly ever done before. Just after 8:00 am, Gosden finally left the house. He was seen by a family friend as he passed through the park on his way to the bus stop. However, the boy did not intend to come to school.

Instead, he went to a nearby ATM and withdrew £200, almost all he had in his account. Surveillance later captured the teenager as he made his way back home. Once there, he changed into jeans and a T-shirt of the metal band Slipknot. Andrew packed his keys, wallet, and portable game console into a bag, then left the house. We know it happened around 8:30 a.m. because surveillance footage was later accessed.

Gosden then went to Doncaster train station. At the box office, the teenager bought a ticket to London. He was perfectly remembered by the cashier for his unusual behavior. For the journey to the capital of England, the boy paid over 31 pounds. The saleswoman offered a return ticket which cost only half a pound. Andrew, however, refused. Then he took a train to King’s Cross station.

While traveling, he was remembered by a woman who was sitting next to him. A fellow passenger mentioned that the teenager played on the console practically all the time. At 11:20, Andrew got off at London’s King’s Cross station. A few minutes later, a camera at the main exit captured the moment the 14-year-old left the train station.

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The family discovers the absence of a teenager

It was only in the evening that relatives realized that Andrew had not returned home. Previously, they had thought that he was sitting alone in his room, as was his habit. When the parents could not find their son anywhere, they started calling his school friends. They hoped that one of them might have stayed. The Gosdens then learned that the 14-year-old had not arrived at school that day. They should have received this information sooner, but the person from the school office dialed the wrong number. Around 7:00 p.m., the missing man’s family contacted the police.

A search was launched, but yielded no results. Investigators also delayed verifying the recordings from the monitoring near the station where Andrew was last seen. Thus, it was not possible to reconstruct the route that the teenager could cover that day. There was also a lack of testimonies from credible witnesses. The fate of the boy after leaving King’s Cross remained a mystery.

Attempts to explain the enigmatic disappearance

In November 2008, there may have been a breakthrough in the case. A man came to the Herefordshire police station claiming to have information about the missing man. He relayed the message over the intercom. When one of the officers showed up to question a potential witness, there was no trace of him. Later, a letter was sent to the BBC by the same mysterious man. However, it is difficult to say whether it was actually written by the same person or whether it was a grim joke.

In 2011, Andrew’s family paid for a company to use sonar to survey the River Thames as it flows through London. One theory was that Gosden might have fallen into the river or that the boy’s body had been thrown into the water by the murderer. However, no trace was found that could help solve the case. On the occasion, however, the body of another person was discovered.

What happened to the missing Andrew?

To this day, it is not known what exactly happened to Andrew. According to one of the hypotheses, the teenager may have met a person on the Internet who tricked him to London and then probably killed him. However, this is quite unlikely, because the teenager did not have a profile on any social networking site and hardly ever used e-mail. Another theory is that Gosden went on the trip because he wanted to attend a metal concert. It is also worth adding that several relatives of the 14-year-old lived in the capital of England. However, he never contacted anyone.

Although several years have passed since the disappearance, the police and relatives still do not give up. In December 2021, investigators arrested two men suspected of kidnapping and human trafficking. Child pornography was also found in one of them. The arrest was somehow connected to Andrew’s disappearance. The English police are still collecting and analyzing evidence in this case.

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He just ran away. Two red flags are already burning for the story of this family story.

I live in London, I still see posters with Andrew’s photo. Terrible.

There were theories, a bit conspiracy, that Andrew met someone connected to the government via the Internet, but which country? Andrew was a very gifted student, above average. There were rumors that he had been recruited for government jobs. And in fact, the baby is probably just dead.

A terrible tragedy for the family, not knowing if he is alive or dead

Why don’t you post a picture of the missing boy just a guy holding a flyer????

Recent Comments (16)

Just like Iwona Jurczyk from Siemianowice Slaskie disappeared in 1986.

Just like Iwona Jurczyk from Siemianowice Slaskie disappeared in 1986.

I think he escaped. The fact that he locked himself at home, no contact with anyone, there was something wrong in this house plus a school where the talented are sometimes harassed … he ran away so as not to have contact with anyone from home. That means something. I wonder if the police looked into it.

Why do you copy texts from crime blogs?

Poodle detective…. it just got done 🤣

Guys, we don’t click on articles about the bathtub

Slipknot great band..

Why don’t you post a picture of the missing boy just a guy holding a flyer????

He went into the org trade for the elite and the rich

A terrible tragedy for the family, not knowing if he is alive or dead

There were theories, a bit conspiracy, that Andrew met someone connected to the government via the Internet, but which country? Andrew was a very gifted student, above average. There were rumors that he had been recruited for government jobs. And in fact, the baby is probably just dead.

Like hundreds of other cases. Every now and then on the portals we read appeals for help in finding a teenager. And you’re dealing with the same case as the others, why Poodle?

2023-09-02 12:15:00
#mysterious #disappearance #14yearold #Andrew #Gosden #central #London #left #home

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