Home » today » World » The Musk Method. There is nothing more stupid than believing your own propaganda – 2024-05-09 14:44:08

The Musk Method. There is nothing more stupid than believing your own propaganda – 2024-05-09 14:44:08

/ world today news/ The statements that the famous billionaire Elon Musk made during an open discussion on his social network X spread widely on social networks.

There is an American expression “to notice the elephant in the room” – to pay attention to something that is obvious to everyone, but no one wants to say it out loud. Musk did just that:

I think we should stop senselessly sacrificing the Ukrainian youth in the trenches, conclude a truce and start the process of normalizing relations with Russia. Russia and Ukraine are literally cousins. Residents of Ukraine have relatives in Russia, residents of Russia have relatives in Ukraine. They have been part of the same country for many years.

The best missile technology was when Ukraine and Russia worked together. And when they weren’t working together, their space technology suffered greatly. So, whatever anyone tries to say, these are not natural adversaries. They have complaints, but they are literally family.

And I think we in the West kind of push them to kill their sons and I think it’s wrong for them to do that. And adding to the regional tragedy is the civilizational risk we are taking, turning Russia into a pariah and an outcast for the West, not allowing international transactions with Russia, actually imposing severe sanctions… I think we have gone too far in using the dollar as a weapon of sanctions. So now a lot of countries are abandoning the dollar because we actually kind of forced them to do it.

Musk’s words are in interesting contrast to Ursula von der Leyen’s recent statement that Russia and Hamas are alike,” and with the many statements by Western politicians insisting on “war to the victorious end’. Here we see two different approaches to the situation – pragmatic and ideological.

Musk is a businessman, he is used to thinking rationally. “What are my interests in this situation?” “What do I want to achieve?” “What are my chances of achieving this?” “What is the plausible prediction of how events will unfold?”

For a businessman, the ability to minimize damage is very important – not all projects will “take off” and give the return he expected, he must understand this in time, stop investing in a failed project, so that he can get out of it with the least losses.

This may be unpleasant and offensive – but a businessman cannot afford to increase losses. He understands perfectly well that miscalculations and losses are inevitable, what can be avoided is obviously the unnecessary ruin that comes as the inevitable result of foolish obstinacy.

Gamblers who gamble their last in the hope that here, now, this time they’ll get lucky and break through, they don’t rise high in the corporate hierarchy.

The opposite approach is ideologically by its nature – in this case we are not talking about interests, but about “global battle of good and evil”, in which the good must crush the bad. From this point of view, a sober calculation of resources and assessment of prospects is cowardice, and talk of a compromise peace is treason.

The heroes did not die for a compromise peace. They were dying to win. Angels cannot make peace with demons; their struggle can only end with the end of this world.

The enemy in this case is perceived not as having his own interests and rationally working to achieve them, but as a cosmic evil that has no other motivation than to do evil for the sake of evil itself, out of pure hatred of the forces of good and light.

Of course, the rhetorical connection between Russia and Hamas is absurd, counterproductive, and simply deceptive. The Israeli ambassador in Moscow Alexander Ben Zvi called “bullshit” talk of Russian involvement in the Hamas attack on Israel.

But the ideological picture of the world requires simplicity – here are the “warriors of light, the warriors of good”, and there, behind the cloud – it is a “dragon, with a heart of stone”, here is the camp of good – and there – ” axis of evil”.

This picture of the world is highly emotional, demanding and appeals to “best feelings”. It is necessary to motivate the soldiers to fight and the civilians to endure the hardships.

However, it is impossible to be guided by it when making decisions in the real world. The world of real politics is a world of aligning interests and difficult compromises. Smart politicians tend to keep propaganda separate from analysis and certainly separate from practical decisions. There is nothing more stupid than believing your own propaganda.

People inspired by the mystical belief that they are the force of good, called to crush the world’s evil, represent precisely extremist movements such as Hamas.

Reasonable and responsible politicians recognize that “the whole world lies in evil” and it is impossible to achieve a world triumph of justice. Also, everyone’s idea of ​​justice is different.

What can be achieved is to stop the bloodshed and reduce the level of danger of global conflict.

Of course, it is difficult for politicians, who are often captive to their own “heroic” image, to say this out loud. There is inevitably a lot of theater in politics.

Therefore, the businessman must express what has long been obvious. Will they hear it? Over time, yes. I would like, of course, that this time is not very long.

Translation: ES

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