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The musical wasteland of Colombia

And the fact is that there is great confidence in Páramo. You are now exhausting the number of ‘believers’. That was not seen in Colombia.

What a joy! You see concerts or festivals that are cancelled on the same day — as unfortunately happens in all markets, not just in Colombia — and that affects the credibility of the industry, but now these are exceptions; before, it was the norm.

The theme of ‘believers’ is something that has been built up over many years and is the possibility that people can buy their tickets at the best market price without knowing the line up Still. That vote of confidence is reflected in the price of admission, but also in the fact that we try to bring some very strong line-ups. In Cordillera they are called the ‘South American Rockers’, but it is cool to see that other companies have emulated the same thing and people even ask about the ‘believers’ of such an event, whether we are the organizers or not.

You mentioned Paul McCartney’s tour and the big events that come to Colombia, but the country is still lacking things to accommodate tours like those of Adele or Taylor Swift. What is it that is missing?

Bogotá’s infrastructure allows for events of various formats: there are arenas like the Movistar and the Coliseo Medplus, parks like the Simón Bolívar and small theaters or stages for three to five thousand people. But the infrastructure still needs a lot of improvement. Important things are already happening, such as the adaptation of the El Campín stadium, which was a big gap, because there are artists who only do concerts in stadiums —as is the case of Taylor— and we have to have the perfect infrastructure to be able to host those events.

There is also a lack of infrastructure beyond the capital. Medellín is already building its first arena, but the show should be decentralized, because Colombia has something in its favor and that is that we are a country of many regions, so we need to create spaces in Barranquilla, Cali, etc. In this way we could be like Brazil, for example. There, the artists do eight dates, each one in different cities, because they all have the spaces to receive them.

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