Home » today » News » The music sector “takes to the streets” to “give visibility to the alarming situation” in the sector | Radio Pamplona

The music sector “takes to the streets” to “give visibility to the alarming situation” in the sector | Radio Pamplona

Workers from the entertainment and events sector, grouped in the ‘Red Alert’ movement – where associations, companies and individuals are included – the next September 17 in 28 Spanish cities, previously distributing tickets to attendees for “controlled and limited mobilizations.”

The objective of these protests is to “give visibility to the alarming situation” that the sector is living, “on the verge of collapse” due to the coronavirus health crisis. “We went out into the streets, we had doubts because with the current situation it could be seen as a tide, but it is clear that the actions taken so far have not worked to raise awareness,” they explain.

“The visibility and awareness necessary to face the problems of the sector has not been achieved, and we still do not know how the new aid announced is applied. We believe it is necessary to go out and read the manifesto where measures are collected for all members of the sector,” he explained .

Alicante, Albacete, Badajoz, Barcelona, ​​Bilbao, Cordoba, Girona, Granada, Ibiza, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Lleida, Logroño, Lugo, Madrid, Malaga, Murcia, Oviedo, Palma, Pamplona, Santiago de Compostela, Seville, Tarragona, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Valencia, Valladolid, Vigo, Vitoria and Zaragoza will be the cities where the mobilizations will take place.

According to the organizers, the simultaneous mobilizations are aimed at a organization, management and development “with the maximum hygienic-sanitary measures”. “Sand it seeks a qualitative and not quantitative incidence and impact, and therefore it is not going to make a call for massive assistance “, they have explained.

On the contrary, they will be mobilizations “controlled and limited“where the participants will previously register to obtain an assistance ticket as a preventive measure against the risk of contagion from Covid-19.

Manifest claims include the need to recognize the entertainment and events sector by institutions and public administrations as a sector “especially affected” by the coronavirus and “priority”. In addition, they ask for the “immediate” creation of a sectoral table.

They also ask for a “immediate reactivation” of cultural agendas and events of public administrations, “under strict compliance” with all health security protocols. They also include proposals for the self-employed, employed, companies and the sector globally.

Espada recalled that the problem facing the sector is also related to the celebration of concerts. “The proof that they have been possible exists. But now, the eve of the event, the authorities come and cancel it claiming precaution, despite the security plan with strict measures. That sinks you,” he lamented.

‘Red Alert’ is part of the international movement ‘#redalert’ ‘#wemakeevents’, in which there are currently seven member countries. All with the same image, motto and address, and that the next On September 30, everyone will join in on Global Day, where professionals from all over the world will come together to give voice, on the same day, to a sector impacted by the Covid-19 crisis.

Thus, in addition to the mobilizations, as has already been done in North America or the United Kingdom, the movement is becoming visible with the red lighting of facades and interiors of buildings linked to the sector.

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