The voice of Galicia
The voice
25/03/2021 05:00 h
Today • At 7:00 pm • Ateneo de Ourense • Free • Seven Galician women make up the Timparrantela group, a mix between sounds inspired by exotic and distant places and the maximum musical tradition of Galicia. Rhythm that grows from the roots of the earth of the components of this grouping. Olga Bruño is the alma mater of the project, composer, pianist and tambourine. Joining her, Raquel Huete, on tuba and bass; Olalla López, on sax; Olalla Rodríguez, on the clarinet; Lorena Sotelo, to the voice; Marta Figueiredo, on percussion; and María Blanco, on the violin. This Thursday they present their new work, “If I loved you it was for turnip greens», A disco book edited by Galaxia. It will be from seven in the afternoon at the Ourense Athenaeum, located in the Marcos Valcárcel cultural center. The entrance will be free until the capacity of 50 people is completed.