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The Music of the Day: Tribute to Los Iracundos 60 years after their first show

The group was formed in 1958 in Paysandú, Uruguay. Initially they called themselves the “Blue Kings”, adopting a musical style influenced by the rock & roll of the time (Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, Bill Halley, etc).

The name “Los Iracundos” came from the hand of Leo Banéz, when they joined the RCA Victor label. There they changed their rock style for a more melodic and romantic one, representative of the movement known as “International Melodic”.

Los Iracundos became one of the most popular groups in Uruguay and Latin America, developing constant tours and recordings throughout the continent. The songs written by its singer Eduardo Franco forged the personality of the group.

Since this weekend a tribute to Los Iracundos is being held, after the 60th anniversary of the first show performed by the band at the Florencio Sánchez Theater. The intention is “to pay tribute to those who have put the name of Paysandú in the world”, as indicated by the Municipality of Paysandú.

October 10 is an important date because it is six decades since the first performance of Los Iracundos in the Florencio Sánchez (at that time they were called Blue Kings), so that as a result of that date it was resolved by the Intendancy “Recall and present the cultural value” generated by this band that transcended borders in times when there were no social networks and communication was not as it is today.

Yesterday in the sanducero center, songs of the band were heard during the afternoon and night. Also, at the Florencio Sánchez Theater, a plaque was discovered that recalls that show 60 years ago. Then the documentary by Aldo Garay, “Un tal Eduardo”, about the cult of Eduardo Franco, singer and composer of the band, was screened.

For its part, today, starting at 19 and via streaming, the preview of the Los Iracundos show will be broadcast together with the “José Debali” Band, which will begin at 20. The group has the presence of the original drummer Juanjo Velázquez, the only active musician left from the original band.

In the pedestrian of April 19 there will be a giant screen with seats so that people can witness what happens inside the theater.

From this list of creations by the «artist of today», on Radiomundo 1170 AM we broadcast to the air:

  • 2 tracks, today In perspective, between 7:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.
  • 5 tracks, today The best of the day, from 10 p.m.
  • 1 track, next Saturday at The Conversation x 5, From 18 hs.

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