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The Museum of Fine Arts is open to cinema, music and talks to become a cultural engine for all audiences


The Museum of Fine Arts is open to cinema, music, dance, theater, conferences and children’s workshops as a catalyst to become a “cultural engine” of València and the Valencian Community and to be “an attractive focus” for all audiences and ages.

Thus, this Friday the director of the museum, Pablo González Tornel, highlighted it in the presentation of this program of cultural activities for the next quarter, in a ceremony in which he was accompanied by technicians Ramón Martínez Miñana and Estrella Rodríguez Roncero.

González Tornel explained that this initiative arises from one of his fixations when accessing the address: “Doing many more things than what was done so that in a few years the perception of the Valencian public of the Museum has changed”. “The important thing is to lose the fear of coming and discover that it is worth taking a walk through some wonderful rooms”, he stressed.

In this way, this program wants to be “a complement” to the collections but also “a stimulus for the public that would not normally come of its own accord”. Thus, this initiative arises as a project that part of the Museum team, “encouraged” by González Tornel – “This is me”, he pointed out – to try to present itself in “a much kinder way to the Valencian public”.

In this sense, in addition to maintaining its function of “transmission and safeguarding of the Valencian heritage”, this program of “more playful” cultural activities has been deployed that will help to reveal the different spaces of the museum and in which the participation of the museum will always be sought. public to “lose the fear of speaking within these walls, sometimes held sacrosanct for hanging magnificent 500-year-old paintings.”

Thus, the week will begin with Movie Tuesdays, Musical Wednesdays, Academic Thursdays, Training Fridays and Children’s Sundays. Access to these activities is free until full capacity is reached, after collecting the free tickets, which can be collected 30 minutes before the start of each session at the museum’s entrance desk.

The technician Ramón Martínez Miñana has explained that the film programming will be articulated in thematic cycles of quarterly duration in which, after a presentation of the film and its projection, a debate will be opened with the public and specialist teachers in the field will comment on curiosities and details of the tapes.

These Tuesday moviegoers will open with the cycle ‘Lights and shadows of the femme fatale’ in which the cliché “created to tie women ended up leading feminism.” ‘The devil is a woman’ by Josef von Sternberg will inaugurate the cycle, a film that was banned in Spain as it was understood as “a Spanish woman who conveyed a distorted vision of the country” to the point that the Government of the Republic sent an official complaint to Paramount demanding the destruction of their negatives and the studios folded already withdrawn from the market.

However, he was able to recover thanks to the fact that the protagonist, Marlene Dietrich, provided a copy that she had kept on the occasion of a Sternberg retrospective in 1959. ‘Bane’ by Billy Wilder, ‘Jules and Jim’ by François Truffaut, ‘Gilda’ by Charles Vídor, ‘The Lady from Shanghai’ by orson Welles or ‘Basic Institute’, by Paul Verhoeven will be some of the films that can be seen.


For her part, Estrella Rodríguez Roncero explained that Wednesday will be the turn of the performing arts in which current music sources, such as pop, such as traditional couplets and bowling alleys, will be combined to respond to profiles of audiences of all ages .

Similarly, there is room for “a wide range” of dance, from contemporary to flamenco “in perfect harmony in the rooms of the permanent collection and in the courtyard of the Vich Ambassador”.

González Tornel pointed out that Thursday afternoons are reserved for renowned experts to present different topics related to temporary exhibitions, collecting, the world of museums and many other scientific contents in conferences designed to “be consumed by the great public and that can debate the subjects “.

Among the invited people, if the pandemic does not prevent it, are Ana Dieguez, a specialist in flamenco painting, who will share her knowledge of Van Dyck’s work, and Carlos Reyero, former director of the Fine Arts of València, will enrich this cycle with his extensive knowledge about 19th century painting.

Training Fridays will develop a course organized by Friends of the Museum, which this first quarter will be dedicated to ‘The Etruscans’. With an informative approach, fundamental notions of the history of art will be approached to the general public that, starting with this cycle, will address the most relevant periods in the history of humanity.

On Sunday mornings it will be the family’s turn and the children will be able to enjoy a puppet show in the courtyard of the Vich Ambassador by the hand of the La Matallina group, which will review the most popular performances: ‘El gegant egoista’, ‘ La rateta ‘and’ La poma roja ‘, among others.

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