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The murdered Nation / Mechanic would be a distant relative of Pope John Paul II

Vatican City, Holy See. AFP.

Pope Francis said on Wednesday that getting vaccinated against covid-19 “is an act of love,” leading a campaign aimed at building trust in immunizers. “Thanks to God and the work of many, today we have vaccines to protect us from covid-19,” the Pontiff said in a message for the US initiative “It’s Up to You”. “They bring hope to end the pandemic, but only if they are available to everyone and if we collaborate with each other,” Francisco added in a video aimed at communities affected by the virus in North, Central and South America.

Cardinals and archbishops of Brazil, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico and Peru also participated in the video with messages in favor of vaccination. “Helping most people do it (getting vaccinated) is an act of love. Love of oneself, love of family and friends, love of all peoples, ”added the 84-year-old prelate.


The coronavirus has claimed the lives of at least 4,370,427 people worldwide since it first appeared in China in December 2019, according to data compiled by AFP. Since the beginning of the epidemic, more than 208,545,350 people have contracted the disease. Despite massive vaccination campaigns, distrust of governments or pharmaceutical companies and conspiracy theories fuel the transmission of the virus. In the United States, the country with the most deaths from covid-19, most recent deaths and serious cases from the coronavirus have been among people without a vaccine. The number of deaths in the United States amounts to 623,322 with 37,017,859 infections; Brazil follows, with 570,598 deaths.


Since Tuesday, the vaccination certificate against covid-19 is the “open sesame” for many activities in New York where the pandemic left its mark. Cinemas, restaurants, museums, concert halls, bowling alleys, aquariums, discotheques, closed swimming pools and gyms … From Tuesday it is necessary to show a certificate of having received at least one dose of the vaccine against COVID-19, your photo or a digital pass in the phone, to access a long list of indoor activities.

From Broadway to the Met Opera, the most prestigious cultural sites that will reopen from September clearly announce it: without vaccination there is no access. The cities of San Francisco and New Orleans took similar steps. In New York, establishments have until September 13 to adapt before the first controls.

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