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The municipality of Pietrosella wants to overtax its second homes

“A proactive action” : this is how the municipality of Pietrosella presents the deliberation voted on February 17 by its elected officials. The municipality wishes to establish a overtaxation of second homes “up to 60%”which is the maximum rate provided for by law.

A rather symbolic act at this stage. Because if the 2023 finance law has indeed introduced the possibility for 4,000 municipalities located in tense area to introduce a surcharge (an additional tax to the housing tax which will not be abolished for second homes), the publication of the decree supposed to make the measure effective has recently been postponed to 2024 by the government.

Financing access to housing

To date, therefore, the existing system remains in force, which provides that only municipalities with more than 50,000 inhabitants located in tight areas have the possibility of implementing this surcharge. However, in Corsica, this criterion only concerns the municipalities of Ajaccio and Bastia.

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Insufficient for the mayor of Pietrosella, Jean-Baptiste Luccioni, for whom “micro-territories are the ones most affected by overcrowding, which induces high charges for permanent residents” and because of which “young people, especially young couples, can no longer find housing”. Jean-Baptiste Luccioni would also like to be able to channel the revenue from this new taxation towards the financing of his policy of access to housing and the creation of a solidarity land office in the territory. Objective : “strengthen permanent housing” in a town where second homes still represent 60% of housing according to INSEE, and this “without multiplying accommodation”. A search for balance which should also be at the heart of the revision of the PLU, also ensures the city councilor.

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The latter therefore intends to raise this claim “at the level of the national association of elected representatives of the coast (ANEL) and at the level of the State”. In a press release dated February 7, the president of ANEL and mayor of Sables-d’Olonne, Yannick Moreau, denounced “a backpedal” of the government in the extension of the surcharge.

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