Home » today » News » The municipality of Maghdoucheh celebrated the delivery of the deeds of ownership of the houses of 38 families in the city. Daou: a result that opens the door to competition

The municipality of Maghdoucheh celebrated the delivery of the deeds of ownership of the houses of 38 families in the city. Daou: a result that opens the door to competition

The municipality of Maghdouche, represented by its president, engineer Raif Younan and members of its municipal council, celebrated this afternoon in the George and Janet Younan social complex of the city, the handover of 38 families from the residents of Al-Areed Gibran ( construction), the title deeds of the housing units they have occupied for more than fifty years, after defining their legal status, which has always been a dream they had, and the municipality promised and fulfilled it for them, after a long waiting period.

The handover ceremony was attended by Representative of the Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri, MP Dr. Michel Moussa, Representative of the Interim Prime Minister Najib Mikati, Minister of Youth and Sports George Kallas, and representatives: Dr. Ghada Ayoub, Dr. Osama Saad, Ali Osseiran, Dr. Abdel Rahman Al-Bizri, former MPs, President of the Hariri Foundation for Human Sustainable Development Ms. Bahia Hariri, representative of the Free Patriotic Movement, Salim Khoury, and Marwan Abu Fadel, in the presence also from the Governor of the South, Mansour Daou, the Prosecutor of Appeal in the South, Judge Raheef Ramadan, the investigating judge of Mount Lebanon, Nadim Al-Nashif, the representative of the Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri’s office, Dr. Ahmed Jawad Moussa, head of the Union of Municipalities of Saida Al-Zahrani, Head of the Municipality of Saida, Eng. Muhammad Al-Saudi, Archbishop of Sidon, Deir Al-Qamar for Melkite Roman Catholics, Bishop o Elie Al-Haddad, former Mayor of Maghdoucheh, Dr. Ghazi Ayoub, former president of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party, lawyer Hanna Al-Nashif, the secretary general of the evangelical schools in Lebanon Nabil Osta, member of the board of the Casino du Liban and the representative of the Rene Moawad Foundation, Ms. Kadine Elia , as well as the mayors and municipal council members of Maghdoucheh and Mayors, spiritual figures, families of celebrities for having received title deeds to their homes and a group of citizens.


After the performance of the Lebanese national anthem, the ceremony opened with a speech by the mayor of Maghdouche, Raif Younan
Early on, he said, “Today we are celebrating an important and great achievement that we are all proud of. After many years, we have brought a happy conclusion to what was known as the reconstruction dossier in Maghdoucheh.” This is the bitter story that has afflicted our country and has continued since 1956 when a strong earthquake hit the south and destroyed most of the houses there.

Subsequently, Younan reviewed the stages through which the procedures for completing the legal and administrative constraints were carried out, believing that they would not have been possible without the collective commitment of the interested parties, starting with former president Michel Aoun, from Acting Prime Minister Najib Mikati and Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri, down to the Governor of the South, Mansour Daou, and under the wing of all directors and employees for diligent cooperation, thanks to all who have contributed to this achievement. Younan addressed the people of Arid Jubran, saying, “We promised, we delivered, and we fulfilled
This file has finally seen the light of day and title deeds have been issued in your name, which you will receive today
We hope that this achievement will be reflected in the near future on the improvement of your living conditions, the development of your region and the settlement on your land.

He concluded, inviting people, “to rejoice today for this result that we have achieved together, and renew our dreams to make them come true in the future, and plan together the next phase for sustainable tourism development projects that will revive our city once again his promise to stand by their side” to work together hand in hand for a better Maghdouche.


The Governor of the South considered, “The completion of this file would not have been possible without the outstanding assistance given to us by the Prime Minister, collectively, with the facilitation and arrangement of my friend Marwan Abu Fadil and the assistance of the Ministries of the Interior and Finances, especially here the employees of the real estate offices and appraisals, especially the Secretary of the Real Estate Cadastre of Sidon».

He said: “What unites me with Maghdouche goes beyond the relationship between a governor and a municipality, to a relationship with the people of this city
And its strength has been increased by the enthusiasm I have seen from the municipality and its president, Raif Younan, for the citizens’ interests and their care, and by the early advocate of anything that would guarantee services and satisfy needs in this city, his friend Wasim Younan, which without his contribution would not have been today, and added, emphasizing that “I will not hesitate one day to thank or stand by all those who provide a public service or help alleviate the sufferings of citizens, and perhaps this result opens the door to competition in the future to advance our society and navigate it in the best possible way.

In conclusion, the governor congratulated Daou, “the beneficiaries of the project, the president and the members of the municipality, for their examples that difficulties and dreams, and when there is a living will, come true”.


In turn, Bishop Al-Haddad considered that “our children have always sought to acquire houses and plots that they have used, worked hard, improved their conditions, in which they grew up and raised their children. Memory is linked to the place, so he has found the inseparable right between all these people and the house they live in.

He said: “The credit goes to the heads of families themselves. However, there are blessed hands that have contributed with their own pockets and with their own efforts so that the goal could reach its fulfilment: it is a municipality cheated by the person of its president, Raif Younan, hoping that God would give him a hundredfold, the peace and prosperity. I will never forget the father of this event, Mr. Waseem Younan, the great benefactor of the poor and needy.
Addressing him, “You have long contributed to the development of your city, Maghdouche, and of your homeland, Lebanon. And what you’re doing today is more than your magazine pages, so go ahead and God will take care of you.

He also thanked the governor, Daou, “for easing all the administrative difficulties, above all. Describing her as a bright star in our southern sky, may God grant you the best of her gifts.

And thanks to all the unknown soldiers who worked on the realization of this project today and yesterday, near and far. Thanks to them, this gift to Maghdouche was realized today.
He said: “In our eyes, cities similar in their condition are being diagnosed, which have not yet achieved their goal. This is a trust in the hands of His Excellency and of local and national leaders.
In conclusion, he congratulated “Maghdoucheh for its expansion and steadfastness in its land. Congratulations to the southern community for its steadfastness in its land, while the biggest scourge today is emigration and abandonment of the country to non Lebanese”.


Nabil Al-Shabab intervened in a speech on behalf of the people who celebrated the receipt of the title deeds, in which he thanked “all those who have contributed to the realization of their dream, led by the greatest benefactor, Wassim Younan, who is always stood by their side, together with the mayor, his brother Raif Younan, to help them and tirelessly respond to their different needs to support them towards a dignified life and a future”. “

Distribution of honorary shields and title deeds

The celebration concluded with the handing over of shields of appreciation, first of which Younan handed over to Governor Daou, then Younan brothers Raif and Wassim received two shields of appreciation from Nabil Al-Shabab on behalf of the people in gratitude and appreciation for their offers, following which the title deeds were delivered to the owners of the housing units.

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