Home » today » World » The Municipality continues to support the construction of a new Carabineros Police Station in Rancagua – 2024-08-16 08:05:27

The Municipality continues to support the construction of a new Carabineros Police Station in Rancagua – 2024-08-16 08:05:27

A dream that has lasted for years and could begin to materialize, thanks to the joint work between the residents of the western sector, the Municipality of Rancagua, the Regional Government, Carabineros and the Seremi of National Assets. These entities have carried out an exhaustive search for land that meets the requirements of location, adequate urbanization and minimum surface area required by Carabineros for the expected construction of the 9th Police Station in the western sector of the city.

Seven possible locations were identified in the sector, and among these, the one located at 478 Enrique Dintrans Street, in the Irene Frei neighborhood, was considered for review and evaluation. In a meeting held last week at the Regional Government, with the participation of the Architecture Directorate of the MOP, the Seremi of National Assets, the Secretariat of Communal Planning (SECPLAC) of the Municipality of Rancagua and Carabineros de Chile, it was concluded that the site on Enrique Dintrans Street is the best option due to its location and compliance with the requirements established by Carabineros.

Faced with this news, the mayor of Rancagua, Emerson Avendaño, highlighted that it is “a building that has provided various services to the community and now returns to our police forces to become the 9th Carabineros Police Station. The western sector is a sector that has grown, that yearns for greater security and will have its Police Station. The sector already has a Fire Company, soon a CESFAM, and all this thanks to the investment in conjunction with the Regional Government, all with the aim of providing greater well-being to our community.”

The Regional Governor, Pablo Silva Amaya, said that this is “a dream of many years that we have been following, looking for land. I thank the Carabineros, the National Property, the municipality of Rancagua and, above all, the neighbors for continuing to work and fight for the Police Station in the western sector.”

The Head of the Sixth Zone of Carabineros, General Max Jiménez, indicated that this is the result of “very important work, carried out together with the residents of the western sector, the Regional Government and the Municipality of Rancagua, where a feasible plot of land has been located to build the future 9th Rancagua Poniente Police Station.”

Graciela Marceli, president of the Jardín Los Prados de Santa Julia JJVV, said that “this was a dream of the leaders. For a year our leaders wanted a Police Station in the western sector. It was up to me to fight, and here we are; we won, we got it, thanks to our authorities, the mayor and the governor. I am happy because dreams come true with work.”

Currently, this land belongs to the Chilean Treasury (Seremi de Bienes Nacionales) and has been given on loan to the municipality. This contract will expire at the end of this year, and the municipal institution has promised not to request its renewal, so that, finally, the residents of the western sector see their dream of greater security for their neighborhoods, towns and villages fulfilled.

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