Home » today » Health » The municipality closes the pediatrician’s clinic in via Perini: “ A 10% discounted rent has been proposed, the property is no longer included in the specialist centers of aggregate medicine ”

The municipality closes the pediatrician’s clinic in via Perini: “ A 10% discounted rent has been proposed, the property is no longer included in the specialist centers of aggregate medicine ”

TRENTO. “The concession to general practitioners and pediatricians of the clinics located in the buildings owned by the Municipality of Trento was recently renewed for the six year period, starting from 1 January 2022 and until 31 December 2027, dividing the spaces into three groups according to characteristics of the property“.

This is the response of the Financial and Asset Resources Service of the Municipality on the matter in question the clinics in via Perini in Trento and in via Marco Pola in Gardolo. In short, the Municipality explains that pediatricians will have to pay a rent reduced by 10% compared to the market value but certainly one could expect that Palazzo Thun would give up a few tens of thousands of euros to guarantee a service considered essential by the community, a service that it involves over 6 thousand children and their families.

In the meantime, however, in the capital, the service is being discontinued: three pediatricians have already raised the white flag and two others are ready to leave the space due to the impossibility of supporting the costs dictated by the change of fee. It is a secondary clinic with professionals who already pay the rent for the main office; a service therefore carried out for citizenship and for this reason perhaps one would have expected that a public administration would ensure the spaces for free as happened in previous years (Here article).

The modification of the concession took place, in fact, last October. The provincial health services company announces that “the medical clinics in via Perini in Trento and in via Marco Pola in Gardolo will be managed, with effect from 1 January 2022, directly from the Municipality of Trento, the classification of the same has been changed, that will no longer fall into the category of outpatient clinics“.

Thus, the capital service of the capital will apply “the new method of calculating the concession fee and ancillary costs. It will be the responsibility of the Municipality of Trento to contact the healthcare professionals concerned to activate the procedures for renewing the concession of the clinics and to provide information relating to the quantification of the concession fee.“.

The Municipality has always owned the building, while Apss was in charge of the business management. A decision made to be able to render a service, considered essential, as widespread as possible and at the same time meeting the needs of the population. The rules are clear: each pediatrician pays to the company or to the owners of the property the fee for their main clinic while the provincial health services company always has to find a way to assign in free loan for use spaces for secondary clinics.

“The clinics in via Marco Pola in Gardolo and in via Perini – explains the Financial and Asset Resources service of the Municipality – granted to the provincial health services company free of charge with reference to the fee only as the first experiments of specialized centers of aggregate medicine, over the years they have lost the characteristics of decentralization of assistance at a territorial level and therefore of a strengthening and development in the provision of specialist services, but they only carry out nursing and general medicine activities with the presence of family doctors and pediatricians“.

A modification that has changed the cards on the table. “This resulted in the factual and legal requirements for granting these clinics to the Healthcare Company no longer being granted, which were therefore hired directly by the Municipality, placing them in the list of medical offices to be granted to general practitioners and / or pediatricians affiliated with the Company. The clinics in via Pola and via Perini are included in the group that provides for a 10 percent reduction in market rent. The new methods of granting space were illustrated to interested doctors and paediatricians in meetings organized with the competent offices of the Province of Trento “, concludes the note from the Financial and Asset Resources service. But the result remains the probable disposal of the clinic.

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