Home » News » The municipalities with the maximum level of restrictions drop to nine while the seven cities remain at a high level

The municipalities with the maximum level of restrictions drop to nine while the seven cities remain at a high level

Nine municipalities are still in Galicia with a maximum level of restrictions, three less than those that entered this situation last week due to the poor epidemiological evolution of covid-19. Specifically, Muros, Baiona, Burela, Foz, Viveiro, Monterroso, Meaño, O Grove and Sanxenxo remain in this situation; while Boiro, Cambados and O Barco de Valdeorras pass at a high level.

Orense, whose data have improved in recent days and which the regional authorities have set as the paradigm of the starting point for doubling the fifth wave in Galicia, will also continue, despite this, at a high level, like the other six major Cities of the Community: La Coruña, Ferrol, Santiago, Lugo, Pontevedra and Vigo.

And next to the seven cities, another 55 municipalities will remain at a high level: Cambados, Boiro, O Barco, A Pobra do Caramiñal, Ames, Arteixo, Cambre, Cariño, Culleredo, Ortigueira, A Laracha, Betanzos, Sada, Padrón, Teo, Cee , Pontedeume, Chantada, Monforte de Lemos, Verín, Bueu, A Guarda, Meis, Moaña, Mos, Ponte Caldelas, O Porriño, Redondela, Soutomaior, Melide, Carballo, Fisterra, Oleiros, Ribeira, Cervo, Ribadeo, Avion, Barbadás, O Carballiño, A Illa, Vilagarcía, Vilanova, Marín, Poio, Gondomar, Nigrán, O Rosal, Barro, Portas, Valga, Vilaboa, Salvaterra de Miño, Tui, Xove and Palas de Rei.

Finally, the clinical committee that advises the Xunta since the beginning of the pandemic has agreed that more than half a hundred municipalities in the Community, including Beariz, Boborás, Caldas, will be at the average level of restrictions due to the incidence of Covid-19 de Reis, Maceda, Mondoñedo, Oroso, Pereiro de Aguiar, Pontecesures, Sarria, Silleda, Vilalba, Vilamartín de Valdeorras, Vimianzo, Bergondo, A Capela, Carnota, Cedeira, Corcubión.

Coristanco, Curtis, Narón, Outes, Rianxo, Celanova, Coles, Monterrei, Pobra de Trives, Rios, A Rúa, Arbo, Cangas, A Lama, Ponteareas, As Neves, As Pontes, Arzúa, Tomiño, Ribadumia, Boqueixón will share the situation. Laxe, Miño, Muxía, Oza-Cesuras, Neda, Touro, Tordoia, Cospeito, Outeiro de Rei, Xinzo de Limia, Catoira, Cuntis, Mondariz, Salceda de Caselas and Esgos.

The rest of the Galician city councils will be in the medium-low level; and these measures will take effect at 00.00 hours next Saturday, August 7, and will last until a new meeting (usually the clinical committee meets on Tuesdays) makes a different decision.

In the case of locations with the maximum level of limitations, with closed nightlife, they will require Covid-19 certificates to access the interior of hospitality establishments, whose capacity will be limited to 30% and 50% outdoors -free access- -. Meetings will be prohibited between non-cohabitants between 1:00 am and 6:00 am; while during the rest of the day, there must be a maximum of six people inside and 10 outside.

High-level municipalities also close their nightlife venues and will require the certificate to access the interior of the hotel and catering establishments, whose capacity will be limited to 50%, as well as the exteriors -free access-. Meetings will be prohibited between non-cohabitants between 1:00 am and 6:00 am; while during the rest of the day, there must be a maximum of six people inside and 10 outside.

The residents of mid-level city councils will have catering establishments, without the need for certificates, at 50% of their capacity – both indoors and on terraces. Where they will need certificates is for nightlife, which opens until 3.00 hours. In addition, meetings of non-cohabitants between 3:00 and 6:00 in the morning are prohibited, while during the rest of the hours, they must be of a maximum of six people inside and 10 outside .

At the medium-low level, the municipalities will have the hotel industry with 100% capacity on terraces and 50% indoors, without the need for vaccination certificates; while the nightlife is open until 3:00 am, with the obligation to present certificates. Meetings of non-cohabitants between 3 and 6 in the morning are prohibited, and for the rest of the hours, they must be of a maximum of six people inside and 10 outside.

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