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The municipal summer libraries have lent nearly 5,000 books and newspapers

The six reading booths – summer libraries of the City Council have made a total of 4,996 book and newspaper loans this summer. Specifically, 528 book loans have been carried out at home, 1,601 book loans in parks and swimming pools and 2,867 of newspapers.

The activity in all the summer libraries has been constant during the months of July and August. Both those located in the city parks – del Reloj, de la Dehesa, Jardinillos de San Roque, del Peñascal or Plaza de los Deportes y de las Delicias or Mariano Contreras garden – and the municipal swimming pool, have not stopped receive people of all ages to borrow books, read the daily press or participate in activities organized for children and young people between 3 and 12 years old.

In fact, a total of 383 activities have been carried out throughout the summer. A total of 2,422 children and young people have participated in one of the sessions aimed at promoting their personal growth. Among them, dynamics of socialization, corporal expression, music, creativity and games and language.

During these two months, 67 new users of the Castilla y León Library Network card have registered in these reading booths, the only requirement to access the funds that the Reading House – Segovia Municipal Library had in them.

In addition, a total of 15 children and adolescents between 3 and 14 years old have completed their Reading Passport, with which it has been tried to reward the habit of reading among the little ones. For each book they read, they have filled in a reading sheet in which they reflected the title of the book, author, publisher, characters that intervene in the story, a short summary of the story and personal opinion about what the story seemed to them and what they have learned. . Once the file was presented to the monitor of the reading booth, a stamp was stamped on them and when they reached ten they were assured of a gift.

Last Thursday, the Reading House hosted a small event with the fifteen boys and girls who have completed their Reader Passport by reading ten or more books. As a prize, they have received a work illustrated by six Segovian illustrators or illustrators related to the city and depending on the age of the readers / ras.

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