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the municipal police and the public prosecutor’s office innovate

Boosting the penal response

The accelerated processing of offenses noted by the municipal police is one of the axes on which the Thionville public prosecutor’s office and the inter-municipal police of the Thionville basin have worked as scouts with the aim of establishing a modus operandi which makes it possible to energize the penal response. This new system of simplified procedure implemented in September 2021 aims to “create a direct circuit between the observation of the offense by the municipal police and the appearance before a delegate of the prosecutor within a period of fifteen days to three weeks. Which, judicially speaking, is very fast, ”says Brice Partouche, prosecutor of Thionville.

Simple and recognized facts

A list of offenses accessible to this simplified procedure has been established, made up of “relatively simple facts”, underlines Brice Partouche. Namely driving without a license, lack of insurance, minor damage, illegal advertising on the public domain, dumping of garbage on the public highway, sexist insults, repeated night noise, street selling… Simple facts but above all recognized by the author, which are not the subject of a judicial police investigation.

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Delivery of the invitation by hand

The inter-municipal police report after being approved by the Thionville police station is processed by the public prosecutor’s office, which orders the summons to be hand-delivered by a municipal police officer. An innovation from Thionvillo-Thionvilloise, fast and efficient which “values ​​the work carried out by the municipal police”, estimates the public prosecutor.

Breaking in the process

About fifteen offenses noted have since September 2021 found a criminal response. “We still need to break in the process to reach a cruising speed”. A first progress report took place, “encouraging”. A second will take place next September and will allow, if necessary, to think about “readjustments”.

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