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The Most Prominent Bad Habits Causing High Blood Cholesterol

01:29 PM Tuesday 26 December 2023

Written by Nada Najid:

Cholesterol plays a vital role in forming cell membranes and building certain hormones and vitamin D. Maintaining a healthy cholesterol level is vital to avoiding diseases and adverse health conditions.

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Diet and lifestyle are the main factors that play a role in regulating cholesterol levels, and to ensure a healthy life, you must follow a healthy diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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In the following lines, Al-Consulto reviews the most prominent bad habits that cause high blood cholesterol, according to what was published by the “Healthline” website.

Cholesterol in the body is classified into two types: high-density cholesterol, also known as good cholesterol, and low-density cholesterol, or bad cholesterol.

Good cholesterol contributes to eliminating excess cholesterol from the body, while harmful cholesterol accumulates in the blood vessels, which may lead to serious health problems such as heart attacks.

There are several reasons that may lead to high levels of cholesterol in the blood, including:

Habits that increase cholesterol in the body

1. Eat too much sugar

Eating a lot of sugar, whether in food or drinks, can increase blood cholesterol, and it is best to avoid consuming artificial sugars and prefer natural sugars.

2. Not exercising

Cholesterol levels increase when the body is inactive or does not have enough physical activity, and sitting for long periods in front of screens increases this risk, so it is recommended to do physical activity daily.

3. Smoking and alcohol consumption

Smoking and alcohol consumption contribute significantly to increasing harmful cholesterol in the body. Excessive consumption of alcohol and abstaining from smoking should be avoided.

4. Lack of sleep

Not getting enough hours of sleep affects the functioning of the body and can lead to an increase in cholesterol levels. Care must be taken to get enough sleep to avoid this negative effect. To ensure good health and regulate cholesterol levels, it is necessary to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

It is also recommended to avoid eating a lot of foods high in cholesterol, saturated fats and trans fats, as well as maintaining a healthy weight.

Genetic factors can also affect cholesterol levels, so it is recommended to have routine cholesterol screening, especially if there is a family history of high cholesterol.

2023-12-26 11:33:11

#Beware #them.. #Habits #increase #cholesterol #blood

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