Home » Health » The Most Painful Ways to Die According to Science: Radiation, Dehydration, and Drowning

The Most Painful Ways to Die According to Science: Radiation, Dehydration, and Drowning


Death is a mysterious thing. No one can know when death will come. However, death is an absolute thing experienced by every living being.

Basically there are many people who go to their deaths calmly without appearing to feel any pain. These deaths can occur when the body and brain shut down regularly.

It’s just that not all deaths are lived peacefully. According to scientists, there are some of the most painful ways of death recorded in history.

Quoted from various sources, the following is the most painful way of death for humans according to science.

1. Exposure to radiation effects

A very painful way to die is by exposure to radiation. If a person is exposed to large amounts of radiation in one large dose (acute), or over a certain period of time (chronic), he will experience radiation poisoning.

This was experienced by American socialite Eben Byers. He drank radiators for years, a drink containing radium that was touted as a miracle cure for his cancer.

Quoted from IFL Science, after several years of suffering, he began to lose weight, had headaches, and many of his teeth began to fall out. He told his doctor that he had lost his “feeling of tightness,” which is a pretty mild way of describing that his bones had started to disintegrate.

Before his death, attorneys trying to regulate the radiation products reported that Byers’ “entire upper jaw, except for two front teeth, and most of his lower jaw had been removed” and that “all remaining bone tissue in his body was destroyed, and a hole was actually formed in his skull.”

2. Dehydration

A dehydrated body is also said to be the most painful way to die. Under hot weather or extreme fatigue, the body can lose up to 2 percent of its weight through sweat. Without replenishing fluids, the body’s systems will begin to break down because a person’s blood volume decreases.

According to Scientific American, when a person stops sweating, he or she will start to overheat. This is the second stage, where the person will start to lose consciousness and the skin will dry out. In the third stage, kidney and liver failure will occur, seriously damaging the organs and poisoning the person from the inside until the final stage (death).

3. Drowning

The WHO page notes that drowning is the third leading cause of death due to unintentional injury worldwide, namely 7 percent of all injury-related deaths.

When drowning, in addition to the physical effort to keep the airway above the water, followed by difficulty holding the breath, there is a period of pain, often described as a ‘burning sensation’ as water enters the lungs.

Over time, sensations of pain and panic may give way to hallucinations and a sense of calm, perhaps related to the onset of severe hypoxia and impending unconsciousness.


2024-01-09 22:00:38
#Painful #Deaths #Humans #Science

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