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The Most Important Vitamins for Women’s Health

The specialist named the most important vitamins for women’s health.

According to gynecologist Melanie Mailyan, these vitamins must be taken throughout the year, and preferably constantly.

Anti-inflammatory effect

The doctor added vitamin D to the list of the most important vitamins for the fair sex – it has an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens the immune system, and prevents the development of cardiovascular pathologies. In addition, taking this vitamin has a positive effect on the menstrual cycle.

For expectant mothers

For those preparing to become mothers, Mailyan recommended taking vitamin E. It not only helps skin regeneration, but also strengthens the cardiovascular system, ensures successful ovulation, and is required during early pregnancy.

There are no extra vitamins

“If you want to look good, take vitamin C, it is responsible for the appearance of the skin and the health of the cardiovascular system,” the doctor is sure.

And once a year it is mandatory to take iron, and in a course.

Along with iron, the fair sex benefits from nutrients: calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, zinc. These substances protect against osteoporosis and cholesterol plaques, help maintain muscles, and reduce stress.

2023-09-10 04:24:00

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