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The most important MCU revelations from ‘The Falcon and the Winter Soldier’ ​​in a row


Does every week The Falcon and the Winter Soldier lots of cool revelations. Today we learn more about the history of super soldiers in the MCU and about the past of the new Captain America. We have listed a few things for you in this article.

Note: This article contains SPOILERS.

Karli Morgenthau: At the moment, Karli Morgenthau is portrayed as one of the main villains. She heads the Flag-Smashers, an anarchist organization with super soldiers. In TFatWS so far we see her as the villain with super powers similar to those of Captain America.

Battlestar: Lemar Hoskins is the best friend of John Walker (aka Captain America). The two have a long history in the military together. And Lemar turns out to be nicknamed Battlestar. He doesn’t have any super powers yet, but could just develop them in the series.

Captain America: The new Cap turns out not to be a super soldier. He has won the Medal of Honor three times and is a righteous man with a great sense of honor. But is also arrogant and a bit reckless, as we see in this episode.

De Power Broker: That’s a mysterious villain who has been targeting the Flag-Smashers. There seems to be an entire organization behind this. If we go by the comics, it could just be that there is a scientist behind this who makes super soldiers.

Isaiah Bradley: He turns out to be a forgotten super soldier, with the same powers as Cap. He took on Bucky in the past and then almost managed to win. But now he has been forgotten and lives in a dilapidated house.

Baron Zemo: We see him at the very end, in his cell. He is clearly thinking about something and has an undefined role to play.

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