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The most effective way to wash strawberries before eating them

Although they have a rather high price for some buyers, strawberries grown in Romania have already appeared on market stalls and in stores. But to enjoy their taste and freshness to the maximum, use this trick.

Although they look appetizing and may be beautifully packaged, strawberries can hide various residues, soil, dust, gas, worms, larvae of insects or microorganisms, which cannot be removed by simple washing. That’s why they should never be eaten unwashed, just like the rest of the fruits and vegetables.

There are several solutions and combinations for washing these fruits: rinsing in water with sodium bicarbonate, washing in water with salt, cleaning in water with vinegar, the latter being the most effective.

Place two large cups of water and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a large bowl. Submerge the fruit so that it is well covered with liquid and leave it for about 30 minutes. After that, rinse them well under cold water to remove the vinegar smell. Drain them in a sieve, then refrigerate them, placed in casseroles, on paper towels, which will absorb the moisture.

Vinegar itself does not extend the life of the fruit, but it has another quality. Vinegar is an acid (acetic acid) that kills germs, bacteria, fungi and microorganisms on fruit, including various types of mold.

The same technique works to clean all sensitive fruits like raspberries, blueberries, currants, blackberries, etc.

2023-04-28 21:04:57

#effective #wash #strawberries #eating

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