Home » today » World » The most dangerous week of the SVO: the defeat of Ukraine becomes a trap for Russia – 2024-08-23 17:27:56

The most dangerous week of the SVO: the defeat of Ukraine becomes a trap for Russia – 2024-08-23 17:27:56

/ world today news/ The President of Ukraine “finally realized that he will not win this war”. The West began to accuse him of war crimes. On July 11, the NATO summit will begin. There he will not be able to show the victory of the armed forces of Ukraine. What will happen next? It seems like an “indecent peace” proposal.

The West is opening its eyes

Perhaps the most surprising news of the past week is that the West has noticed that Ukrainian troops are committing war crimes. The human rights organization Human Rights Watch, from whom you least expect objectivity regarding Russia and condemnation of Ukraine, suddenly published the following message on its website:

The use of banned anti-personnel mines by Ukrainian forces against Russian troops has been detected.

These most banned mines are the “petals” that became famous during WWI. Everyone on our side of the front knew and talked about the fact that the armed forces of Ukraine are literally sowing them in the Donetsk and Luhansk republics. Everyone also talked about the fact that these weapons are actually designed primarily to maim the civilian population, including children.

But this is from our side of the “front line”. In the West, where they decided to “support Ukraine”, the “petals” were not noticed at all. And suddenly: “The Armed Forces of Ukraine dropped anti-personnel landmines in Izyum, 11 civilians were killed.”

It is clear that the HRW announcement, to put it mildly, does not contain all possible examples of the use of prohibited weapons against civilians. But the fact is the fact: as the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, said, now Western non-governmental organizations are reluctantly confirming the war crimes of the Kyiv authorities. They started a process leading to big problems.

Confirmed and published in the press, that is, not only war crimes begin to influence the consciousness of wide circles of the Western population. The further, the more often the press exaggerates the facts about the appalling corruption in Ukraine. Here is one such case.

Under the guise of the grain deal with Russia, a large-scale theft scheme was organized. It emerged that Ukrainian officials and Western traders had organized a fraudulent scheme to sell $600 million worth of grain and sunflower oil with the help of the mentally ill in the Czech Republic. Fraudsters sold grain from the Nikolaev region and other regions in Turkey, Korea, Belgium, Romania and a number of African countries. The executive director of The Mark Global was the 33-year-old citizen of Slovakia Matei Bartyk, who was treated in a psychiatric hospital and agreed to cooperate with the Ukrainian lawyer Albert Yanishevsky. The Ukrainians assembled a group of fake persons from among the Czech mentally ill … In total, the fraudsters have hung at least 140 million dollars in tax debts on the necks of mentally ill people. From the mentally ill, the goods went to the Western leaders of the world market – Bunge, Viterra COFCO International, Ameropa Holding.

In Russia, the Banksta telegram channel drew attention to this information, and in the West, a group of investigative journalists, the RISE Project, participated in its dissemination.

As in the case of “petals”, the revelations concern a very small part of Ukrainian crimes. As in the case of the “petals”, what is important is not the specific fact, but the fact that in the West these crimes were suddenly “noticed” and information about them began to be circulated.

Why? What changed?

Because it is time to change the information policy

It is possible that Alexander Lukashenko was able to answer this question on July 6. In his speech, the president of Belarus unexpectedly for many said that Volodymyr Zelensky realized that he would not win in the confrontation with Russia.

“He got wings. He flew. Now what? He finally realized he wasn’t going to win this war.” this is how Lukashenko described the mood of the President of Ukraine. Lukashenko noted that Zelensky, of course, will still try to show some result:

They have until July 11 to demonstrate something. “However, it is much more likely that no victories will be demonstrated for the Armed Forces of Ukraine: “They tried Russia in the tooth, advancing in the front. And they failed. And it won’t work. If they throw the best units into battle now, they will completely bury the Ukrainian combat capability.

The military analysis of the president of Belarus completely coincides with the sentiments of Western military experts: the further they go, the more often NATO says that if Ukraine does not achieve anything during the counteroffensive, then it will have to limit aid. For example, Foreign Affairs magazine writes about the fact that the United States cannot actually maintain military aid to Ukraine at the same level. The article “How America Broke Its War Machine” states:

A lack of manufacturing capacity, a skilled workforce, and supply chain disruptions have undermined the United States’ ability to supply weapons to Ukraine and strengthen its defenses.

Simply put, so far NATO (not just the US) has been supplying weapons to Ukraine from available stockpiles. Stocks are exhausted (to such an extent that one of the British generals the other day said that there were only 40 (!) combat-ready tanks left in England, and in Germany they said that the remaining shells would be enough for only one day’s battle), and all it is not yet possible to accelerate the production of weapons. In the meantime, for Ukraine to continue fighting with Russia, it must be armed.

Let’s put these two circumstances together: First, Ukraine began to be criticized in the Western press, Second, the West does not have enough weapons – and we will be able to make an interesting assumption: the West is gradually creating an information background to stop supporting Ukraine against Russia. For objective reasons.

The problem for the West here is that “you can’t just pick up and stop supplying Leopardi.” He won’t understand that the voter who has been told for a year and a half in a row that Ukraine is a citadel of democracy standing up to the Russian hordes. But it is impossible to surrender the citadel of democracy just like that. Before you do that, you must say that this citadel is not at all what it used to be, that surrendering it now is no disgrace at all.

By the way, the Western press has already done something similar more than once. For example in Afghanistan. The pro-Western government there was very democratic as long as there was a force to occupy the country and get weapons there. As the escape of the American soldiers began to approach, the Afghan government proved to be corrupt and completely unworthy of help.

It is absolutely not impossible that today there are “mini-petals” and crazy people who sell grain, tomorrow there will be a dozen more corruption facts, the day after tomorrow there will be war crimes, for example, “paramilitary formations” in the service of the Kiev regime … And, ya look, the information background is ready to reduce military aid, and hence – a proposal for Russia to “freeze the conflict”.

What of this?

Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev recently stated:

If NATO now stops supplying weapons to Kiev, the SVO will be completed in a few days.

He is, of course, absolutely right: Ukraine’s armed forces have no other option to keep fighting except to get weapons, instructors, and even some cannon fodder from the West. It is clear that instantly, in one day, the enemy will not accept the decision to “reset” Ukraine. But it is very likely that after July 11 a proposal will begin to take shape “conflict freeze”. That is, Russia’s proposal for some “temporary ceasefire” – until the West manages to gain strength.

It is important to understand that this offer, if it does appear, will be a trap. Russia does not need a frozen conflict, but a victory that will remove the danger from Ukraine and NATO.

Translation: ES

MARCH FOR PEACE: Given that The march for peace and sovereignty is organized with two beams, iand those for whom it will be difficult and far to go before the MFA, we invite you again in front of the pylons of the NDK on July 9 at 6:00 p.m. at the “Meeting for peace, against the involvement of Bulgaria in war”. The two beams will merge in front of the National Assembly.

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