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“The Most Dangerous Insects in Romania – How to Protect Yourself from Their Bites and Diseases”

Today we have an interesting topic for you, as the season of barbecues, picnics or outdoor walks has come.

We will talk about the most dangerous insects in Romania, whose bite or presence we must beware of.

In our country there are various species, some being more dangerous than others. It is important to take precautions to avoid contact and protect yourself from the potential dangers of disease. Let’s find out their names!

Kitchen bugs

The cockroach (Blattella germanica) can be a source of bacteria and can cause various diseases such as salmonellosis or dysentery. They can live in the house without us realizing it. They are very versatile nocturnal creatures, always looking for food, water and shelter. Their reproduction is difficult to control, they can live 7 days without a head and 30 without food.

They do not attack, but defend themselves or seek to flee from danger. They can only bite weakened pets that cannot defend themselves and the bites are not dangerous. But there is a risk of disease transmission, having 30 species of bacteria on the body. They can transmit dysentery, typhoid fever, poliomyelitis, cholera and salmonella and worsen the condition of people with asthma or other respiratory diseases.

The house fly

The common fly is the most widespread species of the order Diptera. During feeding they become contaminated with viruses, bacteria, worm eggs or parasites. Flies can have over 351 different bacteria that can survive for days on or in their bodies. It can infest human food through direct contact, defecation or regurgitation.

The housefly can transmit parasitic worms, salmonella, anthrax, aseptic meningitis, tuberculosis, conjunctivitis, hepatitis A, poliomyelitis, stomach infections, pneumonia, septicemia, skin or eye infections, conjunctivitis, gastroenteritis, giardiasis, diarrhea, cholera, salmonellosis, tuberculosis , ascariasis, trichuriasis, dysentery, typhoid fever, oxiuresis, paratyphoid and many others.

Bees or wasps

Although not generally aggressive, if a bee is disturbed or feels the need to protect its hive, it may sting. The same goes for a wasp. The attack can cause severe allergic reactions in some people.

“The stings are very painful, and the place swells and turns red. In allergic people, however, anaphylactic shock can occur quickly, 15 minutes after the sting. If he does not get to the doctor quickly, death occurs within 30 minutes. We have to be very careful with bees and wasps, as they sit on food or in glasses. There were patients bitten in the oral cavity, and the airways swelled rapidly. Humans can suffocate, although they are not necessarily allergic to venom”, says allergist Ioana Cojocaru.


In Romania, there are 3 species of spiders that we must beware of whenever we go outside. These are the black widow (Latrodectus mactans), the house spider (Tegenaria atrica) and the Romanian tarantula (Lycosa singoriensis).

– The black widow is, as its name suggests, black with red markings on its abdomen. It is found mainly in the Danube Delta, Popinia Island and Grindul Letea, and the females are the ones that bite. This is followed by the formation of a congestive papule, pain, local swelling, vomiting, breathing difficulties. Rarely the bite can be fatal.

– The Romanian tarantula is light brown in color dorsally, with a brown cephalothorax. It has a black spot and white dots on its abdomen. After the bite, intense pain occurs for 24 hours, the site swells and becomes very red. Then there is a state of apathy, drowsiness and ankylosis.

– The house spider is part of the Agelenidae family, which includes approx. 700 species, some poisonous, others just irritating. It is found in dusty dwellings. It is dark brown with a light mark on the chest, they have 8 eyes and long legs covered with fine hairs. He doesn’t like the smell of paint, lime, lavender, eucalyptus or plastic, but he loves cardboard. If you were bitten by a spider and the area swells up a lot, you need an anti-allergic.

The South Asian Wasp

The South Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) was recently introduced to Europe from China and can be dangerous. It has a painful sting and can be fatal if the person is allergic to the venom. It increases its habitat by more than 80 km per year and feeds on bees and other insects. Unfortunately, this is a threat to the pollination process.

“In general, people don’t have to worry. As long as you don’t walk past a nest or approach an occupied hive, there is very little risk of being bitten. If they sting, their venom is more toxic than that of bees or wasps here, and it’s in a larger amount,” explained Karla Salp, spokeswoman for the Washington Department of Agriculture.

The tiger mosquito

The tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) can transmit various diseases, such as the Zika virus or dengue fever. It was found in Bucharest in 2012 and then every summer season from 2013 to 2016. It is found in carrion and tires, flies low and attacks legs during the day in the shade.

Their itchy sting can also transmit diseases such as yellow fever, Chikungunya fever, equine encephalitis or West Nile fever. The disease begins suddenly and the symptoms that should alarm you are: fever, headache, joint or muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, refusal of food, physical exhaustion, confusion, apathy, agitation, delirium, hallucinations.


The tick (Ixodes ricinus) is known to transmit various diseases such as Lyme, Rocky Mountain spotted fever and viral meningoencephalitis. To avoid it, it is advisable to wear long clothes in nature and solutions against ticks, applied to clothes and shoes.

A thorough check is indicated after every walk in nature, and if you find one on the skin, pull it firmly. Do not rotate it, it is possible to break it. The place is then swabbed with alcohol. If you find one that has been in your skin for more than 24 hours, see a doctor because there is a good chance that it will infect you.

“The first sign of infection is a circular hive that appears 1-2 weeks or 30 days after the bite. Lyme disease is not spread from one person to another, but it can be fatal if left untreated. The bacterium enters the blood and affects the joints, muscles, heart and nervous system. Patients must also undergo medical tests after the tick has been removed and a prophylactic antibiotic treatment. Not all of them are infected, but the control is mandatory if you have been bitten by such an insect”, says allergist Ioana Cojocaru.

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2023-04-26 12:52:00
#dangerous #insects #Romania

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