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The most dangerous foods that raise blood pressure

Hypertension affects the functioning of virtually the entire organism and results in serious degenerative diseases. Lifestyle and food directly influence the control of this condition

The hypertension is a chronic illness that stands out for the increase in blood pressure, it is a condition that has serious health implications and that is increasingly common in developed countries; It is considered one of the main causes to suffer cardiovascular diseases Y strokes

The tension it is the force that the blood exerts against walls of the arteries, when it is pumped by the heart although in most cases the exact cause that produces this is unknown disturbance, between the main factors The following stand out:

  • For an increase in blood volume, this is due to a renal impairment and a bad one sodium regulation
  • For disrepair of the arteries, may be derived from the calcium accumulation in the arterial walls.
  • For an alteration of the vasodilation and the vasoconstriction due to stress, stimulants or one bad nutrition.

The hypertension It is a condition of high risk since it affects almost the entire organism, this is mainly due to the fact that the blood pressure It is the engine that provides oxygen and nutrients to all organs and this he does through the arteries. This condition deteriorates at arterial walls and mainly to key organs as is the case of the heart, kidneys, arteries and the brain.

According information revealed by the Heart Foundation on Lifestyle and the feeding they play a key role in control of the hypertension. We present the list of great enemies of the arterial health:

Foods that raise blood pressure:

1. Foods high in sodium

The excessive salt intake Y sodium rich foods is he main enemy of the hypertension arterial, East mineral it is necessary in very little Y controlled quantities however when surpasses the recommended amount tends to be produced fluid retention and results in an increase in blood pressure. Avoid the consumption of foods Y processed foods, sausages, fast foods, salty snacks and the excessive use of table salt In the preparations. A good recommendation of experts is to opt for the consumption of fresh and seasonal foods, and choose Spice up with aromatic herbs and ingredients As the Garlic and the onion.

Sea salt. / Photo: Pexels

2. Fatty foods

The excess calories it is considered the second most lethal enemy of the hypertension, this is because the food that more calories contain are the fat and when consumed in excess they are directly associated with a greater presence of fatty or fatty tissue. Normally this is derived in a increase in the Abdominal fat, which acts as a endocrine organ by producing some substances calls adipokines, responsible for increasing the blood pressure. Avoid the consumption of animal fats, products like the Butter, cream and the whole dairy, Fried food, processed Y fast. Replace this type of fat, by healthy fats as is the case with nuts, the extra virgin olive oil, the avocado and the fatty fish, rich in Omega 3 fatty acids.

French fries / Photo: AP

3. Purine rich foods

A high consumption of purine rich foods it is related to causing an imbalance in the levels of uric acid which is associated with a high rate of suffering attacks of gout Y kidney stones, this results in an increase in cardiovascular risk. Avoid eating food from Animal origin, as is the case with viscera, the fatty meats, the seafood, among others. Procure limit your meat consumption Y increases the intake from vegetables fresh, vegetables Y cereals.

Meat Stew. / Photo: Pxhere

4. Alcoholic beverages

The relationship between the consumption of alcoholic drinks and the blood pressure It is direct, specialists point out that the higher the alcohol consumption, the blood pressure it goes up more and more this is due to an elevation in the sympathetic vasopressor tone in the arterial system. If you suffer from hypertension avoid consumption, opt for the intake of abundant natural liquids and infusions with medicinal properties.

Credit: Pxhere

5. Sugary drinks

The sugary drinks cause an increase in blood glucose levels and usually derive in a excess calories Avoiding its consumption is one of the best tips to avoid spikes in the levels of the blood pressure; try to consume natural drinks, do not Industrial

sugar drinksugar drink
Sugary drinks / Photo: Shutterstock

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