An unconventional young couple is played by Petra Bučková and Jan Plouhar. Together they move to the countryside, where they want to live according to their ideas, they also want to raise their prayed child there.
Where are the borders?
They name it the way it feels: Morning glow. And it is the name, and not only that, that repeatedly provokes disputes with neighbors, and ultimately with the authorities that order the removal of their eight-month-old daughter.
Loving, albeit somewhat unconventional parents played Petra Bučková and Jan Plouhar.
Photo: Voyo Nova
Do parents have the right to name the child as they wish? What is (un) normal? Where does an individual’s freedom to decide what kind of life and according to what rules will he lead and end? And does a child really need an insurance card, a birth certificate, vaccinations … to live?
Director Dan Wlodarczyk
Photo: Dan Wlodarczyk
“There is no black and white in our story, we are playing with Jan Plouhar a loving couple who are not easy to have as neighbors. None of the characters who appear in Dawn can be said to be right. Everyone has theirs. It is a very strong story of several people, “says Petra Bučková.
Midnight storm inspiration
Voyo creative producer Lenka Szántó adds: “The dawn of the morning is simply about people who have decided to leave the system and live in harmony with nature. And our story is about what happens next, if it’s possible, if it’s a sustainable decision, and how far it can lead. “
The authors make no secret of the fact that they were inspired by a story that took place in Šimonov in the Czech Republic, in connection with the birth of a girl whom their parents wanted to name the Midnight Storm in the summer of 2001.
They refused the “normal” name for her, and often traveled, which led the authorities to controversially remove the fully breastfed child from the family.
The girl, now a young woman, was eventually named Eliška Gaia. She left her parents at the age of fifteen for Klokánek because she wanted to live her own life, among other things to study, to go to school normally.
In your opinion, is it okay that non-traditional names of children must be approved by the parents of the registry office in the Czech Republic?
It depends on the specific situation
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