Home » Business » The more children you have, the more MONEY you will receive | In this Region the Bonuses are multiplying visibly: check if you can apply immediately

The more children you have, the more MONEY you will receive | In this Region the Bonuses are multiplying visibly: check if you can apply immediately

Bonus for second and third children in sight? – pexels – salernosera.it

People often give up on having more than one child due to the economic crisis that shows no signs of slowing down one step

We know that having children means spending money money always, and forever, and continue to pay it out until the children grow up (and often even when they have grown up they continue to ask their parents for donations of money).

After all, every age has its own needs, and naturally a child costs money at any age: as a child for his growth and sustenance, medical visits, baby food. Then school, clothes, sport, and also the possibility of letting him have experiences with friends, trips, trips.

In short, a family that lives by salary finds it difficult to cope with all these needs of the children, which are added to those of the family, and the parents’ two salaries end up having to be divided no longer between two people but three, among which the most expensive one is also the most young.

In this sense the Government has implemented and is implementing a series of bonuses aimed at helping families in difficulty who nevertheless decide to have children, with a series of bonus which sometimes are real donations of money into the current account, and other times instead translate into a series of tax breaks.

We offer the bonus for second and third children

The bonuses that the Government has been putting in place since the pandemic occurred Coronavirus, they are a series of benefits for families with children and vary from the bonus for newborns, paid the month following the birth of the children, the bonus for young children, and a whole series of benefits for families with ISEE under 40 thousand euros.

It’s a shame, however, that there are no specific bonuses for second and third children, those that families often give up because there are no money enough to be able to bring the whole family into the world and live with dignity.

Family Bonuses are requested for large families – pexels – salernosera.it

Regional nursery bonus

As reported ilpiacenza.itin the Emilian town it was proposed by the candidate for the Regional elections Sara Soresiby Fratelli d’Italia, which however has not yet managed to achieve this result. «If elected in the Region – he stated – I would like to bring forward concrete proposals that can provide real help to families».

Among others, he said he thought «to the regional nursery bonus, following the example of other regions such as Umbria and to the family quotient for personal services, i.e. a tool that would allow the cost of services to be calculated based on the composition of the family, particularly supporting the larger ones».

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