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The Moors give way to the Fallas

Valencia. For the second consecutive year, the Moorish and Christian marches will not sound this summer in the streets of the Marítimo and the traditional stop that takes place on Calle de la Reina will not be included in the program of the July Fair. The reason is the restrictions of the pandemic, since the health authorities do not allow traveling festive events and, precisely, this Moorish and Christian stop runs through Cabanyal, Canyamelar and Grao.

The Minister of Health, Ana Barceló, has already argued that popular festivals are still not allowed, not even parades to avoid the concentration of people. And he even added that most federations of Moors and Christians and the Bonfires of Alicante chose to leave the festivities for 2022, as he said, “precisely because of the type of party it is, skin on skin.”

From the group of Moros y Cristianos Marítimo-Valencia, its general secretary and chronicler, Miguel Ángel Bustos, explains that “with current regulations we cannot celebrate the festivities in July and we have transmitted the idea of ​​transferring them at the end of September”.

Bustos adds that “we are going to respect that the Fallas are the first parties to return and then we will celebrate our acts.” The idea is to develop them between September 23 and 26.

Without circumstances permitting, on September 24 the embassies for children and adults will be held on the beach, next to the Las Arenas hotel. Also the dramatizations of the battle for Balansiya (by Bustos) and the Festa del Mío Cid by Gil Albors.

Already on the 25th there will be the XIII children’s entry and the 25th Moorish and Christian entry and on the 26th there will be a gala parade and a performance act. In November they will program the festive music composition contest ‘Ciudad de Valencia’ dedicated in this case to Christian marches.

The Valencian Federation of Moors and Christians continues with the procedures for its festivities on the October bridge. Of course, its president, Vicente Roig, explains that “as the Plaza de la Reina is under construction, we do not know if they will let us go through Paz, San Vicente, to the Plaza del Ayuntamiento and Marqués de Sotelo or if we will have to go through Paz , Poet Querol y Barcas or by Alfonso the Magnanimous and Sorolla Painter ».

In addition, the medieval market changes location. “We will not put it on the Serranos bridge because the pass is narrow and we will move it to the gardens of the Palau de la Música.” The embassies in the Serranos towers will be on October 2; on the 3rd the alardo in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento; the entrance on the 9th and the market from the 6th to 12th of October.

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