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The Monte Naranco Hospital, an example in Spain of care for the elderly with coronavirus | Radio Asturias

The Minister of Health, Pablo Fernandez, has observed this Wednesday a minute of silence with the health workers of the Monte Naranco Hospital in Oviedo, for the victims of the coronavirus, on the occasion of the first day of the ten mourning decrees at the national level by the government of Spain.

For him Monte Naranco Hospital A total of 126 patients with coronavirus have passed, and we say they have passed because precisely this Wednesday the COVID-19 plant has been left empty, after the last two discharges and the transfer to other plants of other patient gifts who have become negative in the latest tests of the virus. This is good news, even better if one takes into account that the patients referred to this hospital were all elderly, those who this disease has affected with the greatest virulence. Something that the Minister of Health, Pablo Fernández, which has also put the Monte Naranco Hospital as “example for professionals from all over Spain and for years for the quality of care for this type of patients, and which has also stood out -has added- during this pandemic, in which geriatric care has been key; and we should be proud of this in Asturias “.

Regarding the collection of data on the incidence of the epidemic, the counselor has recognized that sometimes these can lead to confusion, beyond some error, due to changes in the criteria of the Ministry of Health when counting the number of deaths. Something that has been justified by the need to have homogeneous indicators of the incidence of the coronavirus in the different autonomous communities. In any case, Pablo Fernandez has added another data to take into account in the analysis of these months of pandemic, the excess mortality, for whatever reason, because as explained “the virus could also cause death indirectly, and these deaths are also very important”. He added that this excess mortality in Asturias is much lower than in most communities.

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