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The moment when Marcel Ciolacu looks through the scope of a gun and sees Lucian Bode. “You’re right on target, Minister!”

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Nicolae Ciucă and Marcel Ciolacu, at an exhibition of weapons from the special forces of the Romanian army. Photo: Digi24

The president of the PSD, Marcel Ciolacu, was visibly impressed by the weapons and combat equipment of the Romanian special forces, during the exhibition of military equipment in Târgu Mureș, which he visited together with the prime minister and the president of the PNL, Nicolae Ciucă. Ciolacu wanted to personally check out several weapon models and at one point even joked with the Liberal Interior Minister, Lucian Bode, that he “took aim at” while looking through the scope of an assault weapon .

“Give it!”, Ciolacu can be heard at one point while impatiently asking Ciucă to test a weapon from the special operations forces of the Romanian army.

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