Home » today » World » The moment when “King Salman” opened the proceedings of the third year of the eighth session of the Shura Council • Newspaper Al-Marsad

The moment when “King Salman” opened the proceedings of the third year of the eighth session of the Shura Council • Newspaper Al-Marsad

Daily Al-Marsad – SPA: The Keeper of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud – may God protect him – – – via video communication – today inaugurated the works of the third year of the eighth session of the Shura Council, in the presence His Royal Highness Prince Muhammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince Prime Minister.

the departure

At the beginning of the occasion, verses from the Holy Quran were recited.

Speech by the Chairman of the Shura Council

Then His Excellency the Chairman of the Shura Council, Sheikh Dr. Abdullah bin Muhammad Al-Sheikh, delivered the following speech:

Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the most honorable of prophets and messengers, our prophet Muhammad and all his family and companions.

Keeper of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince and Prime Minister

Your Highness Principles

Your Eminence, Eminence, Excellence and Happiness

Peace, mercy and blessings from God ,,,

We welcome you, Keeper of the Two Holy Mosques, on this blessed day when you are kind enough to deliver the royal address and usher in the works of the third year of the eighth session of the Shura Council. meanings of national unity between the people and their leadership.

Guardian of the Two Holy Mosques

In your blessed age, our dear country is witnessing unique achievements whose testimony has become visible, thanks first to God and then thanks to the attention you have paid to this loyal people, of which you have made the main axis of national development. , the impact we feel day after day.

We congratulate the nation for issuing your honorable order that His Royal Highness Prince Muhammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, the Crown Prince – may God protect him – be Prime Minister.

Guardian of the Two Holy Mosques

Global development aimed at all regions and regions of the Kingdom represents an important title in your wise policy. This is confirmed by the number of orders and decisions issued in this regard.

In continuation of the goals of the Kingdom vision (2030), the gigantic development plans and projects announced by His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, Crown Prince and Prime Minister – may God protect him – have been launched.

Guardian of the Two Holy Mosques

Your speech – may God bless you – at the opening of the second year’s work of the eighth session of the Shura Council last year, when you said – may God bless you – (The glorious deeds you are performing in your esteemed assembly are appreciated by us) has been a catalyst to give more to all who are honored to work under the dome of this The Council, and is an honest expression of the prestige enjoyed by the Shura Council in your honorable position and the confidence he enjoys in the performance of his duties.

Guardian of the Two Holy Mosques

During the second year of the eighth session, the Shura Council held fifty-three (53) sessions, resulting in three hundred ninety-six (396) decisions as follows: sixty-seven decisions (67) relating to rules and regulations, two hundred and ten decisions (210) relating to and one hundred nineteen (119) resolutions relating to agreements, treaties and memoranda of understanding, and the total number of meetings of all board committees during the end of the consultative year reached two hundred and fifty-two (252) meetings, during which more than two hundred and eighty-five (285) government officials met to obtain clarifications from them on the topics studied by the council committees.

According to your generous directives, the Shura Council is eager to strengthen cooperation with the Kingdom’s regional councils, and this is represented by reciprocal visits.In the last year of the Shura, the Council made four visits to the district councils of: Makkah Al- Mukarramah, Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, Jazan and the northern borders.

Guardian of the Two Holy Mosques

The contributions of the Shura National Council, whose impact and influence have extended to the diplomatic side, are an important element in strengthening the relations of the Kingdom with various friendly and fraternal countries.We feel in every conference and with every participation the amount of appreciation and the respect the Kingdom enjoys and we receive praise from various political and parliamentary leaders at the level it has reached. To him our country and its role in achieving stability and serving the affairs of the region and the world.

Guardian of the Two Holy Mosques

Your constant support and generous patronage are the greatest motivation for us to achieve the highest level of ambitions and elevate the performance of the Board to what is hoped for and expected. As we greatly appreciate this support and attention, we promise to make every effort for this building, which I want it to be an important partner in the development that you are leading with all the strength and responsibility.


In conclusion, allow me, Keeper of the Two Holy Mosques, to introduce to you and His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, the faithful Crown Prince and Prime Minister, on behalf of myself and all council officials, members, and employees , for this generous care that embodies your interest in the Shura Council and the role it plays. I also thank all members and employees of the Shura Council for their continued efforts, asking Almighty God to protect you and His Highness the faithful Crown Prince as an asset to this blessed country and to perpetuate the blessing of security and prosperity on our dear homeland.

Peace, mercy and blessings from God ,,,

The word of the Guardian of the Two Holy Mosques

The Keeper of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud – may God protect him – delivered a speech in which he said:

In the name of Allah the Merciful

Praise to God and prayer and peace on the Messenger of Allah.

Brothers and sisters, the president and members of the Shura Council.

Peace, mercy and blessings from God:

With God’s blessing, we begin the work of the third year of the eighth session of the Shura Council, asking God to guide you.

Peace, mercy and blessings from God.

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