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The moment when Donald Trump and Andrew Cuomo crossed paths live for their efforts in the face of the coronavirus pandemic

Using your favorite communication channels, The President of the United States, Donald Trump, and the Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, got involved this Friday in a hard exchange for the management they have made of the coronavirus crisis.

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Cuomo, in his daily press conference on COVID-19, which has become a fixture for many Americans, defended that the state will not be able to reactivate its economy until it has the capacity to carry out massive tests, for which it needs help from the federal government.

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Without waiting for the governor to finish speaking, Trump used his Twitter account to attack the Democratic politician and tell him that “he should spend more time ‘doing’ and less ‘complaining’.

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“Get out there and do the job. Stop talking! We built thousands of hospital beds that you didn’t need or used, we gave a large number of respirators that you should have had and we helped you with the tests that you should be doing ”protested the president.

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“We have given New York far more money, aid and equipment than any other stateBy far, and these fantastic men and women who did their jobs never hear you say thank you. Your numbers are not good. Less talking and more acting! ”He insisted.

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Trump’s tirade occurred while Cuomo was still answering questions from journalists, giving him the chance to respond live: “First of all, if he’s home watching TV, maybe he should get up and go to work, right?”

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“Second, we are going to keep emotions and politics out of this, and personal egos if we can, because lives are at stake ”, said.

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Cuomo, who on this occasion seemed particularly bothered by the President’s attack, ignored his own request and ended up launching a counterattack, even asking his aides to They projected charts with projections of sick people from the White House to try to dismantle Trump’s accusations.

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As he insisted, the calculations of beds and equipment necessary to serve COVID-19 patients – who have finally been less than expected – came directly from projections made by the White House itself, so Trump “should read the reports that he himself produces.”

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“If we were dumb to listen to him, then it was our fault”, the New York governor defended himself, insisting that he has repeatedly thanked the White House for its quick reaction in sending materials and support personnel from New York. However, he recalled, that is part of the President’s job.

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“I don’t know what I should do … Send you a bouquet of flowers?Cuomo quipped. “It’s not like you sent us a check in person, but thanks”he insisted visibly irritated.

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The New York governor stressed that the work is not over for anyone, not even for the White House, and said that if Trump wants, like everyone else, to revive the economy, that It will not be possible in New York if the government does not help to test the disease on a large scale.

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Trump, meanwhile, has insisted that the tests are the responsibility of the states and, after trying to be the one to make the decision, he has left it up to the governors how and when to try to return to normality.

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“Don’t Ask States to Do This Without Financing”Cuomo complained this Friday, who defended the need for the Administration to transfer funds to the states and to show the same generosity with citizens that it has shown with large companies such as airlines, for which it has approved multimillion-dollar aid for the crisis.

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Trump announced Thursday a plan to Gradually “reopen” the United States, after restrictions on containing the coronavirus dealt a severe blow to the country’s economy. “According to the latest data, our team of experts now agrees that we can start a new front in this war, which we are going to call ‘reopen the United States’ ”Trump said, at a time when the pandemic left more than 36,700 dead in the country.

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At a press conference at the White HouseTrump said maintaining the restrictions “is not a long-term sustainable solution.”

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The president indicated that his government will issue a guide to help governors make decisions to gradually come out of paralysis, depending on the number of cases.

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