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– The moment of truth – VG

COP HEAD: The President of the Summit, Alok Sharma, spoke on Saturday afternoon.

Over three hours of overtime on Saturday, the chair of the climate summit begs the delegates to agree on the draft final declaration at COP26. These areas are being negotiated.


After postponing the meeting in the plenary hall several times on Saturday, the chairman of the summit, Alok Sharma, chose to postpone the meeting once again.

– We have come to what I believe is the moment of truth. This is the moment of truth for our planet, for our children and our grandchildren. And you all know that the world is willing for us to be bold and ambitious, he said.

Video: This is what Climate Minister Espen Barth Eide (Labor Party) said during Saturday’s meeting in the plenary hall:

Thus, the delegates from almost 200 countries will continue to negotiate text changes in the draft final declaration from the summit.

The meeting was originally supposed to be held at 13.00, but the delegates have instead conducted informal negotiations on the floor in the hall.

Sharma said that after the new round of negotiations, the countries will gather again, and that the goal is to end the summit during Saturday.

At the same time, he asked the countries not to demand more now, but to accept the draft.

– Please, do not ask yourself what more you can apply for, but rather ask what is enough. Is the package balanced? Does it give us all enough? he said to the delegates, before adding:

– Most importantly, ask yourself if these texts ultimately deliver for all people and our planet.

See the list of issues the countries disagree on further down the issue.

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