peralta gil, “digital edition”,new York.patricia: thanks to isabelperalta front of a school puts incalled into question the efforts of theauthorities to preventcrime among the young.mariela salgado has the mostrecent and shows us thedramatic images.mariela: good afternoon.much concern, hasseen an incidence violencein these schools, this is aextremely quiet neighborhood,residential we arrived andnow there is a carfrom cop, a patrol outsideof this high school is somethingreally amazing, they told usstudent productsHispanics with whom we speak,They basically told us what he doesa year did not see something there, fromhave to be worried aboutto schools. Yesterday in thelate they had to call atlocal authorities tohad caused an incidentthat was captured by the videowhat are you seeing now,it can be very disturbing it looksa strong fight than a childthey slam him against the wall, ayoung and at some point he looksas one of the boys pulls outthe gun what we know isthat one of them isjust under the attention ofguardianships with possession ofa weapon and for endangeringto other people.the other two studentsThey were left and they are not lowyou thought but the question is,have or do not have detectorsmetals, cals are thepatterns, why is ithigh school doesn’t have thosedetectors?and this is not the first time,you know we have thereporting team, we haveseen in the bronx and othersplaces.or to the answers on the newsat six o’clock, around