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‘The mole’ announces start date and immediately unpacks with mysterious face

The tenth season of . starts on March 20 The mole starting. The trailer of the anniversary edition has just been launched and a mysterious figure appears at the end. Who that is may become clear on March 13. Then the candidates are presented in ‘Café De mol’.

The moletogether with The smartest person in the world one of the crown jewels of Play4, is heading to the Canary Islands this year and now we also know when we can expect the adventure on TV there: on Sunday 20 March. Presenter Gilles De Coster receives his candidates on Lanzarote and from there it is island hopping to the other islands of the sunny archipelago off the African west coast.

The announcing cutscene begins with an image of a mysterious man in a hat who is bent over at a richly filled festive table. “I am the mole and this is the tenth adventure. We have to celebrate that, don’t we?” he says and the champagne flows immediately. However, the surprise comes at the end when the man who calls himself the mole suddenly shows his face. An unknown young man appears about whom Play4 does not wish to give any further information. Is he a contestant? A would-be mole? A new co-presenter? Or does he represent a new element in the game? The future will have to show.

What is already certain is that the final of The mole scheduled for May 8. The unmasking of the saboteur will not only be on Play4, there will also be a major final event in Paleis 12 in Brussels. Café De Mol will also return this jubilee season: on March 13 you will be presented with the candidates.

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