jonathan: just one click awayyou can do your shopping, butis also exposed to those whothey want to seize and steal yourmoney.filippo ferretti explains to usHow to make a complaint whenyou are the victim of a scam.Filippo: It is known that atshare, with a single click,one of our datapersonal we expose ourselves to beingscam victims.the danger does not run only forinternet.This is shown by the data ofnew state attorneyyork about the scams that havehad he wings high number ofreports in 2021.cable and tests for covid,and even pets.there is no limit toscammers who somehowway they only want one thing,your money.then how does he explain to uscouncilman andreu, familiesHispanics are frequentvictims of fraud even in theirown home.>> we are seeing fraud fromthe homemade oneswhen you make a depositsecurity, the landlord mustreturn those funds for 14ías.filippo: councilor, the peopleHow can they report andreport fraud?>> one can call hisofficial the act, also thenew york city hasconsumer protection.can submit a complaint tobring the phone or byinternet.Filippo: I want to show yousome scams, according to thestate attorney’s office.8,346 cases ofInternet scams, too1539 cases have been reportedcredit related scams.those scammers are looking foraccess your insurance numbersocial, to your card numberof credit and 130 reports ofhousing means about people whohave not received the deposityour rent.>> it is important to useweak passwordsto guess.filippo: this expertexplains how to keepsafe when we are in frontfrom a computer.>> have passwords that areeasy to guess.over there they don’t know howconfigure the technologythat is to the racist being.the people who knowresistant, people take advantagethese weaknesses ofcommon users to accessyour accounts.filippo: to know aboutscams and how to avoid them,grab your phone and scan the