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the mistake to never make that is bad for your health

Although some nights are particularly cold, the heaters should never be kept on all the time.

radiators on – readquotidiano.it

When it is very cold outside, we often prefer to leave the heaters on but as we will see, this involves risks not only for our pockets but also for health. In fact, as if that were not enough, our choice to keep the heating system on will also negatively affect the environment. In fact, there are real rules to follow as regards heating and today we will see what they are.

Too high temperatures, danger for the respiratory tract

The heaters turned on at night, therefore, as we said, can lead to respiratory diseases, sore throat and even dryness in the skin. These symptoms also occur in greater quantities in children and the elderly. Too much heat is even the enemy of good sleep. In summer, it is often difficult to fall asleep when it is too hot and this rule also applies in winter if we make our home an authentic oven.

warm ups
With these tips we are going to save on heating

Heavy curtains, a more than valid solution

Too hot could also lead to weight problemsin fact, our body in a favorable environment does not need to burn energy to keep warm. There are also numerous legal constraints regarding the switching on and off of the plants. Primarily Italy is divided into 6 climatic zones, each with different needs and rules. To give an example in the north of the country, the use of air conditioners cannot exceed 14 hours while in the municipalities of the south the systems must be switched on at least 8 hours a day.

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Obviously, in case of particularly cold days or other climatic events, exceptions are allowed. Turning off the heating at night, therefore, will not only do us good but will save us money, as well as allow us to avoid fines for overrun. As a tip in order not to disperse the heat accumulated during the day at night we recommend lowering the blinds and placing heavy curtains in front of the windows which will retain the heat. With these tips, therefore, we will be able to have a healthier and even less expensive lifestyle.

warm ups
heavy curtains – readquotidiano.it

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