Home » Health » The Mistake Almost Everyone Makes at Night That Can Damage Your Health – How to Fix It

The Mistake Almost Everyone Makes at Night That Can Damage Your Health – How to Fix It

There is a mistake that almost everyone makes at night that can damage your health. Find out what it is and how to fix it immediately.

The importance of night rest has been a topic of study for several years. And recently there is a lot of evidence that shows how a night’s sleep is able to improve the day’s performance as well as health and mood.

The mistake you make when you sleep (newsandcoffee.it)

Yet, there is a mistake that almost everyone comes across and which according to some experts could represent a health problem. And we are talking about the hours spent in bed and therefore sleeping. It seems, in fact, that sleeping only seven hours, as suggested for an adult, is not always necessary to enjoy all the benefits of sleep.

Because sleeping seven hours may not be enough

As we now know, there are minimum hours of sleep suggested to stay healthy. If these are very many when one is born and many during the age of development, they tend to decrease once they reach adulthood. In this phase, in fact, the hours indicated (which should never be less than five) for a good rest range from a minimum of seven upwards. An aspect that does not seem to satisfy all doctors, however.

Sleeping too little is bad (newsandcoffee.it)

According to some, in fact, there are people who need an extra hour or two of sleep. And for these individuals, depriving them of an hour of sleep a night can cause unwanted effects. Among these the most common are:

AnxietyIrritable moodDiabetesCardiovascular problemsDepressionPredisposition to infectionsLow clarityVarious health problems

As is easy to imagine, these are rather important problems and they push us towards the awareness that sleeping more than seven hours is often necessary. Furthermore, even in those for whom seven hours are enough it is important to consider the time taken to fall asleep, any awakenings and insomnia crises.

The general advice would therefore be to understand the exact number of hours of sleep to be satisfied per night, perhaps evaluating how you feel when you wake up and how you face the rest of the day. To this we can then add good sleep hygiene which will increase the quality of sleep and thus allow the hours spent sleeping to be more effective. From taking care of your room to the linen you wear to your evening routine, every aspect counts and can contribute to improving the quality of your sleep. This is truly essential for living well and healthy.

2023-11-18 22:30:30
#damaging #health #mistake #millions #Italians #night #News #Coffee

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