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The mission of the Seimas Artificial Intelligence working group: to find out the impact on the state’s progress

Photo by Justin AUŠKELIS: Member of the Seimas R. Petrauskienė: “I think that AI will have a profound impact on the entire society, business and politics, and this impact may be even greater than some historical technological breakthroughs.”

Artificial intelligence (AI) is steadily penetrating people’s lives. Experts predict that AI will help in the future to use corporate, public and natural resources more optimally and efficiently. This will allow you to save money, live more sustainably, and in addition, it will open up opportunities to create and implement innovative ideas and various business models. AI is also likely to have a greater impact on social issues and public policy. This process also requires addressing important ethical issues related to access rights, discrimination, privacy and justice. We talk about this with Rasa PETRAUSKIENE, member of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, member of the Seimas Future Committee, initiator and chairman of the Artificial Intelligence Group.
– What prompted you to take a deeper interest in the topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Are you personally interested in this field?
– I was motivated to take a deeper interest in the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) not only by its growing influence and penetration into various areas of life, but also by the realization that this technology can radically change our society and the future. I realized that artificial intelligence not only has great potential to transform our daily life, economy, but even politics. I believe that the task of politicians is not only to monitor this progress, but also to actively shape policies that promote the positive effects of AI, ensuring its ethical and responsible use. It also includes horizontal, overlapping issues such as ethics, justice, discrimination, privacy security, etc., that need to be addressed with this technology. Artificial intelligence permeates many fields, from economics and public administration to healthcare, education, industry, and even space and defense.
It is important to note that my personal interest in the subject of artificial intelligence also stems from the desire to absorb the latest knowledge and be informed about modern technologies and their applications. This motivates me to actively follow the news in this field, to be interested in the latest research and innovation, and to engage in discussions and activities aimed at the development and application of this field. It is not only a technological challenge, but also a geopolitical and existential one, so the topic of AI is both a professional and a personal incentive for me, inspiring to strive for continuous improvement and progress, understanding that it is an integral part of our current and future reality.
– Isn’t it too late for us, Lithuania, to jump on the AI ​​technology train? How do you assess Lithuanian achievements in the field of artificial intelligence? Where are we strong?
– This is an important and challenging issue, especially given the rapidly changing technology landscape and global competition. When evaluating Lithuania’s achievements in the fields of AI, it must be recognized that, although we are late compared to some other countries, in recent years Lithuania has been actively seeking to get involved in the development and application of AI technologies.
One of our strengths is the training of talented IT specialists and a high technological level. Lithuania has great potential to develop innovative technologies, including AI systems. In addition, in recent years we have seen a growing interest in this area and a growing level of investment in technology. This shows that Lithuania is moving in the right direction in order to become an important technological innovation force in the region.
However, it is important to recognize that we are still in the early stages and have a lot of work to do to catch up with other countries that are already developing and deploying more sophisticated AI systems. However, as we know, one of the main challenges we face is the lack of funding and the development of technological infrastructure. In addition, there is a need to more actively promote scientific research and innovation in the field of AI in order to grow our scientists, experts, and attract talents.
– What is the mission of the DI group? What challenges do you face in AI? What ideas may have already been implemented?
– The mission of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) working group is to clarify the impact of AI on the well-being and progress of our society, the state, the potential of this transformative force that changes our daily lives, facilitates decision-making and helps solve complex problems. This would include not only the development, implementation and use of technology in the public sector, but also addressing ethical issues related to the application of AI, such as issues of justice, privacy and discrimination.
One of the main challenges is the rapid pace of development of AI technology and the need to introduce and apply it in the public sector. This requires constant monitoring, education and training, so that politicians and civil servants and society as a whole are prepared to use these technologies effectively and responsibly.
Another challenge is related to funding and lack of technological resources. Sometimes large investments are needed to implement AI projects and initiatives in the public sector. For example, the application of artificial intelligence in the public sector can improve the efficiency of administrative processes, optimize the use of resources and improve the quality of services. Artificial intelligence has also already begun to be used to solve different socio-economic challenges, such as healthcare, transport management and energy efficiency.
As a result of the implementation of the ideas, we are actively working on the development of guidelines for data protection and the ethical application of artificial intelligence to ensure that this technology is used responsibly and accountable by politicians and public sector workers. However, much work remains to fully realize the potential of artificial intelligence in the public sector to achieve maximum benefits for society.
– There are those who say that artificial intelligence will affect society more than any other invention. Would you agree with this opinion? Why?
– I agree with the opinion that artificial intelligence can have a greater impact on society than historically important discoveries such as the ignition of fire or the invention of electricity. This opinion is based on the fact that artificial intelligence makes it possible to automate, optimize and improve many processes that are important in our daily life, business, etc. Compared to previous discoveries, which also had a huge impact on society, AI can have a wider and deeper effect because it works in various fields and can dynamically adapt to the changing needs of society.
The development of AI can affect society in many ways, first of all it can have a significant impact on the labor market, as many routine jobs can be replaced by automation and advanced robotics. This may mean higher unemployment in certain areas of activity and require retraining and upskilling of workers. Second, AI can affect our personal lives, for example by offering personal assistants, a help system in healthcare, or even different types of entertainment and leisure choices. Third, AI can impact the economy by enabling new business models, innovation and more efficient use of resources. However, it is important to mention that the development of artificial intelligence also raises important ethical and social questions.
– What ethical aspects should be taken into account when implementing AI systems? After all, AI, unlike a person, does not have a moral compass, which basically tells us what is right and wrong in our brain.
– Artificial intelligence is developing at a staggering pace, raising serious ethical concerns about its use, ownership, accountability, and long-term consequences for humanity. As policymakers look to the future of artificial intelligence, ongoing debates about governance, power dynamics, and the potential for AI to surpass human capabilities highlight the need to address these ethical challenges in the present.
One of the most important ethical aspects is bias and discrimination. Artificial intelligence systems are trained to use vast amounts of data and can insert race, gender, nationality, age or other characteristics of a person into this data. This bias can therefore become entrenched in AI algorithms, perpetuating and reinforcing unfair or discriminatory outcomes in critical areas such as hiring, lending, and more. Therefore, developers and users of AI systems must ensure that these systems do not tend to discriminate against individuals based on certain characteristics. It is also important to ensure that AI does not contribute to increasing social or economic inequality. In addition, it is important to consider intellectual property.
Another important aspect is transparency and accountability. AI systems often operate in a “black box” where these systems offer limited interpretation of how they work and how they made certain decisions. In critical areas such as healthcare or autonomous vehicles, transparency is vital to clarifying how decisions are made and who is responsible for them. Clarifying accountability is especially important when AI systems make mistakes or cause harm, so that appropriate legal action can be taken.
With elections coming up, we are already noticing that social manipulation and disinformation, fake news are becoming common not only in politics, but also in competitive business and many other areas. AI algorithms can be used to spread this misinformation, manipulate public opinion, and exacerbate social divisions. An effective response to this problem requires the vigilance of society as a whole and the implementation of all possible countermeasures.
As the use of AI expands, there are concerns about how private information is collected, stored and used. Addressing these challenges requires the cooperation of policy makers and society as a whole.
– You emphasize that we must not only be observers of processes, but also actively contribute to the creation of a future in which AI technology serves humanity. How can we really contribute? All the more so that with the lack of information and competences in society, there are many myths about AI?
– Each of us must realize that our contribution can be multifaceted and diverse in the service of AI technologies to humanity. Only by engaging with the field and taking an interest in how it works and how it affects society can we achieve transparency, accountability and justice in the use of AI. Active citizen engagement and collaboration with politicians, science, business and community groups can help shape a positive AI future where technology serves human well-being and progress.
The main way the public can contribute is through information and education. We need to encourage debate and dialogue with different groups in society, including politicians, business leaders, scientists and civil society. This means not only helping people understand what AI is and how it works, but also debunking myths and misconceptions about the technology. In addition, members of the public can support the initiation and development of legislation to ensure that AI is used responsibly and ethically through active participation in political processes. Finally, we can all contribute to the development and improvement of AI by playing an active role as modern society is constantly evolving, and one of the most important drivers of creativity and progress is technology, including the development of AI.

Vilija BUTKUVIENĖ spoke

#mission #Seimas #Artificial #Intelligence #working #group #find #impact #states #progress
– 2024-04-01 03:30:18

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