Home » today » World » The misery of yet another Bulgarian politicians and analysts! – 2024-07-31 10:57:48

The misery of yet another Bulgarian politicians and analysts! – 2024-07-31 10:57:48

/Polegd.info/ The new Cold War? Nonsense, dear, this war, whether “cold” or “hot”, has not stopped for at least a thousand years! And it won’t stop…
Recently, I have been watching and listening to the repeated efforts of “highly” intelligent Bulgarian politicians and analysts, who, oh God, are worried that the years of the “Cold War” are being repeated?!…

Dear ladies and gentlemen, and dear comrades, you obviously have in mind the ideological opposition between the Eastern “Communist Bloc” and the Western “Democratic Community” from the previous historical situation, that is, before 1989?!…
Only Velislava Dureva tried to understand this problem in a slightly more distant perspective from the past, at least from a hundred years ago, which is an honor to her! Another issue is that this war has a millennial dimension, which yet another ideologically limited Bulgarian politicians and their serving “analyst” staff cannot understand!…

Because, dear and dear, this reproducing war is not ideological, but civilizational in nature! The ideological clash throughout the 20th century is only a concrete, albeit disguised, manifestation of the millennial war between the Western Catholic-Protestant and Eastern Orthodox civilizations, dear and dear ones!…

I don’t know how to explain it to you more simply, because you are used to reading slowly and with difficulty, and trying to explain reality easily and simply, that is, through ideological clichés imagined to be true! It cannot be done, dear ladies and gentlemen, my dear comrades, because knowledge is a painful individual experience that brings personal sadness, not mass jubilation from shared “universal” ideological mantras!… I will try, however, although I have repeated these things many times, not only in my books, but also in my comments on Pogled Info…

The Great Schism of 1054 was not so much about the interpretation of the triad of Lord-Father, Lord-Son and Holy Spirit, and also about the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, as about the ambitions of the Roman Catholic Church for global hegemony, which even regulates human murder in the “Name of Christ”!… However, this excessive claim to rule over the world, in the first place, has always met, meets and will meet the resistance of the Eastern Orthodox Church, that is, the idea of ​​the European West to rule humanity always passes through the need to destroy the European East, at least a thousand years back in history!… And the transformation of Russia into a centuries-old Pillar of Orthodoxy will quite naturally focus Western aggression precisely against it – the ideological camouflage in the 20th century through the invented opposition between fascism and communism at the beginning, and between democracy and communism subsequently, will only cover up this thousand-year-old enmity, that is, war, either “cold” or “hot”, in one or another historical situation! The clash, dear ladies and gentlemen, my dear comrades and comrades, has always been a civilizational one, no matter what today’s fictional Bulgarian politicians and analysts tell you!… The war has always been and will be primarily between the Western Catholic-Protestant and the Eastern orthodox civilization, while everything else is subsequent, it comes afterwards!…

The great paradox, dear ones, that today’s “highly” educated Bulgarian politicians and analysts either cannot understand, or for personal mercantile reasons are unwilling to share, is that Bulgaria, which is an integral part, even through the Bulgarian Cyrillic alphabet, and a subject of The Eastern Orthodox civilization, after the servile “civilizational choice” in relation to NATO and the European Union, resides in the camp of its own civilizational enemy – the Western Catholic-Protestant civilization! I don’t know if you can fully understand today’s Bulgarian absurdity, dear ones – to be a thousand-year-old part, even a subject, of the Eastern Orthodox civilization, but today to be a political, economic and military vassal of its historical civilizational enemy – the Western Catholic-Protestant civilization? !…

I know that your dear “highly” educated politicians and analysts have no way of understanding this current Bulgarian drama, which will surely ruin the Bulgarian state, but I am obliged to warn you, and you do what you think is necessary!… In any case, neither individual nor civilizational existence can reproduce itself without hindrance if it is deprived of its own identity!…

This is the situation, ladies and gentlemen, my dear comrades!

#misery #Bulgarian #politicians #analysts

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