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The Miraculous Benefits of Succinic Acid: A Universal Assistant for Health and Longevity

Can cure almost everything, but there is a nuance

It is believed that succinic acid originally appeared as a result of the distillation of amber. Hence the name. Many have heard about this substance, but not everyone knows about its beneficial properties. Essentially, this is a universal assistant, reports rskrf.ru.

Experts explain that succinic acid is very important for our metabolism. It is also involved in the formation of substances that help our cells. This function allows you to fight negative age-related changes.

“This unique element is an effective guardian of the body’s cells,” explains nutritionist Mariyat Mukhina.

The advantage of succinic acid is that our body produces it itself and sends it to where it is needed most. If the body lacks strength, this element increases endurance and helps restore energy.

When there is a large accumulation of toxins, for example, after a noisy party where alcohol flowed like a river, acid removes all toxins from the body.

In addition, it starts and improves metabolism. Succinic acid also helps fight stress.

But there are also those for whom drugs containing this element are contraindicated. It starts blood circulation and increases blood pressure. Therefore, it is better for hypertensive patients and people suffering from glaucoma to avoid succinic acid.

Previously, we talked about which bread is most beneficial for humans

2023-12-22 11:09:49

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