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“The Ministry of Truth and the Rise of ‘Presstitute’ Media: A Look at Propaganda and Bias in Modern Journalism”

/View.info/ Early in my life I noticed that no event was properly reported in a newspaper, but in Spain I saw for the first time newspaper reports that had no connection to the facts, not even the connection that is implied in a simple lie. I saw great battles reported where there was no battle, and complete silence where hundreds of men were killed. I saw soldiers who had fought bravely branded as cowards and traitors, and others who had never seen a shot hailed as heroes of imaginary victories; and I saw newspapers in London peddling these lies and eager intellectuals building emotional superstructures on events that never happened.
In fact, I saw history being written not in terms of what happened, but what should have happened according to different “party lines”.
George Orwell

“A Look Back at the Spanish War”

It is well known that it was Orwell who coined the term “Ministry of Truth”, the mouthpiece of the propaganda machine of a totalitarian society in a trance of directives. But little is known about the author speaking about the praetorian defenders of the only “allowed” and of course, the correct “truth” in the ministry of the same name.

The famous financial analyst Gerald Celente, owner of the Trends Journal site, years ago coined the term “presstitute” from press and prostitute. A term referring to the so-called main stream media in the United States. Both the “Ministry of Truth” and the “presstitute” gained wide popularity especially among independent journalists, writers, bloggers in the alternative media, characterizing mostly those iconic journalists in the mainstream media, known for their biased “cemented” views, picking “targets” narrative’ of the powerful of the day, whoever they may be and regardless of their ideological affiliation. What’s more, their sometimes poisonously hysterical behavior in defense of the only correct line of the “Ministry of Truth” (in the event of a tie from the invited guests on their shows) has led to none other than former President Donald Trump giving them yet another sign label “You are the enemies of the American people.”

Let’s look at the semantics of the term “presstitute” for a moment. Prostitution, as it is known, is “a paid act for sexual pleasure, not excluding physical and psychological trauma”. Broadly speaking, there are two types of prostitution: voluntary and forced. Of course, with the caveat that such a division is, to put it mildly, quite conditional. Coercion does not come solely from organized crime, the causes are more complex.

An example of genocide in the worst wartime drug addicts is the barter price for saving a life. There are of course other reasons for it. According to Canadian sociologist Richard Pullen, for a significant number of the ten million (10,000,000!) mostly young women in India, practicing the oldest profession, it is the only way of physical survival due to the extreme poverty in which they find themselves.

But this is not about them, but about the other face of prostitution – this fully conscious, well-calculated and, most importantly, completely voluntary act, providing a better way of life, and hence significantly greater purchasing power. For this particular category, it is claimed that these are “the most fallen and morally bankrupt human beings”.

Now for the other component – ​​the press

As has been well known since the time of Edmund Burke, the press (and today the mass media) is the fourth branch of government after the executive, legislative and judicial branches. This fact was already known in ancient Rome – the so-called Acta Diurna (prominent posters covering important events and public speeches).

It is no exaggeration to say that in modern societies the media is the lifeblood of democracy. Without the principles of freedom of speech and freedom of the media, we cannot consider such a society as democratic. We may call the state democratic, but it is far from democracy. A literal truth about the duties of the media is to provide the “a true, comprehensive and objective account of the day’s events” and no less important – ensuring a public forum for discussion of “all important viewpoints and interests in society”.

Indonesian sex workers cover their faces during an attack at a bar in Surabaya, Indonesia, in this file photo. Activists in Indonesia’s East Nusa Tenggara province have expressed concern about the prevalence of child prostitution in the predominantly Christian region. (Photo: AFP)

If today we open the press or turn on the television, are all important points of view and interests in society objectively represented? There is no such question, and “there shouldn’t be”, it is not even rhetorical.

On the contrary, the feeling is that with some kind of broken time machine we are returning to the dark ages before the Enlightenment, in which the only “correct” truth is unapologetically and passionately defended by a well-known and “beloved” institution of the Holy Inquisition.

Who is behind the “Ministry of Truth” today? Who do they serve? The truth, or as always the strong of the day?

I allow myself just one example. According to research conducted by MRC Business. Liberal billionaire George Soros is affiliated with, or rather sponsoring, mind you, more than two hundred and fifty (250!) media organizations on all continents. The journalistic groups that support Soros shape public opinion in dozens of languages, on every continent. Let’s face it: a single individual funding more than 250 media outlets is able to control what used to be called news.

In the USA alone, Soros sponsors (directly and indirectly) major television organizations such as CNN, ABC, MSNBC, FOX, PBS, authoritative newspapers such as the Washington Post, as well as the Associated Press and Reuters agencies.

So today the objectivity of liberal “news” is subordinated only to the taste of the 92-year-old philanthropist Soros: the war in Ukraine until the final victory of Kiev, multiculturalism, whatever that means, the LGBT topic, from gender rights of transgender people to active propaganda in kindergartens to promote gender reassignment, the green deal or more precisely active de-industrialization, and of course the two main targets: Putin and Trump as the dualistic reincarnation of the Antichrist.

There is no other point of view. It is non-existent, as well as the freedom of the media, in what is called today the liberal West.

Now for the Bulgarian prostitution media

Today, Bulgaria is faced with an existential choice because of the war in Ukraine.

This choice is not reflected in the Bulgarian cational media. The war in Ukraine is presented strictly according to the only “correct” scenario put down by the “Ministry of Truth”. Russia is the aggressor, Ukraine is a democracy despite 9 years of civil war and 14,000 killed by the regime in Kiev, which has allowed the use of weapons banned by the Geneva Convention, such as white phosphorus and cluster munitions. Questions surrounding the so-called ATO (anti-terrorist operation) using heavy artillery, aviation and tanks against the 6.8 million civilian population in Donetsk and Luhansk, which exceeds the combined population of the three Baltic states (Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania), but does not seem to fall into the interest of the “Ministry of Truth”.

Today, when I write these lines, 9 years have passed since the pogrom in Odessa, in which 48 civilians, including Bulgarians, were killed (according to some sources, the victims were many times more). As far as I know, during these 9 years the Bulgarian media did not find it necessary to cover this news. And the Internet is full of documentary footage, videos and photos of the pogrom.

A question of journalistic conscience, a question of ordinary human conscience – of course, if there is one. Does the killing of hundreds of citizens in front of the police in the center of Odessa cause any journalistic interest? The question itself is meaningless. As I already mentioned at the beginning, it is not about journalists. It’s about pressurestitudes.

Fact: war is the greatest human tragedy, and precisely because of this, peace is the most precious good. But today the word peace has become a taboo for the Bulgarian cational media. Where were NOVA, BTV, BNT, the dailies to cover the first and second peace march, during the last one more than 20,000 Bulgarians in 36 cities took to the streets to say “NO to the war!”, for peace and neutrality of Bulgaria. These media outlets voluntarily and fully knowingly abdicated their professional duty to cover the largest rally in 30 years.

Moreover, despite the impressive rally in front of the BNT building, the Bulgarian NATIONAL (?!) TV decided to commit a kind of ritual suicide, remaining silent.

Naturally, the decision has already been “dropped”. Bulgaria must enter the war. It is an open secret that the “smoke meat” in Ukraine is coming to an end. The signals from Washington are clear. The determination of US support, in the words of US President Biden, is: “Russia will never defeat Ukraine. Never!”. The question is at what cost? Who, more precisely, will defeat Russia? As I already wrote some time ago: referring to the so-called Bucharest Nine, does it follow that from this moment NATO will fight to the last Pole, Romanian, but also Bulgarian?

But let’s go back to the media, to the fourth estate. Most likely, the parliament will have to and will vote for sending a Bulgarian contingent to Ukraine. In this regard, “soft power”, in the person of the Bulgarian iconic journalists, will process public opinion every day in order to make the vote go more painlessly.

I am convinced that they are very well aware of what they are doing.

And they realize the “price” of their service, the price of the highly paid presstitude.

One day the war will end. History will have its say – both about the causes and the culprits of the inevitable, alas, upcoming national catastrophe. Liability will likely be sought. To the political elite, but also to those who, in a moment of revelation, Trump, pointing his finger at the press, blurted out: “You are the enemies of the people!”.

* Prof. Ivaylo Gruev – Lecturer in Political Science at the University of Ottawa, Canada.

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2023-05-05 18:24:50
#Bulgarian #onair #prostitution #impending #national #catastrophe

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