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The Ministry of Tourism will increase the budget to encourage visits to the Western Wall

The Ministry of Tourism will increase to NIS 4 million a year the budget to encourage visits to the Western Wall Plaza. This, as part of a government decision for the years 2023-24 that was approved this morning. Other ministries also participate in the budgeting of the decision.

The government’s decision is a continuation for five more years of the five-year plan to upgrade infrastructure and encourage visits to the Western Wall plaza, with the Ministry of Tourism participating in it in the amount of 14 million NIS. As part of the five-year plan, various projects will be carried out to strengthen the city in terms of tourism. The budget of the decision is intended for the construction and development of The Western Wall plaza and the Western Wall tunnels, including the exposure and preservation of archaeological finds, upgrading infrastructure and transportation services as well as expanding educational activities for students, immigrants and soldiers.

The Western Wall is one of the main tourist attractions in Israel. Between 2015-2022, the number of visitors to the Western Wall increased from 10 million to about 12 million (in 2019). In recent years, the Ministry of Tourism has invested many resources in the development of the tourist infrastructure in Jerusalem, which is the most visited city in Israel. Among others, together with the Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage, the Municipality of Jerusalem, the Antiquities Authority, the Jerusalem Development Authority and in the execution of the East Jerusalem Development Company (PMI).

The office also participates in making the Old City accessible to people with mobility disabilities and blindness with an investment of over NIS 22 million. Recently, the accessibility of 6 km in the alleys of the Old City was completed, and the main visiting sites were made accessible to wheelchair users. For the first time, the Old City was also made accessible to the blind, using a dedicated application. Tourists in the Old City are currently offered a free application for navigating the accessible roads in 8 languages.

Minister of Tourism, Haim Katz, says: “The historical and national importance of the Western Wall obligates the Israeli government to preserve and nurture it. We will continue to promote the development of tourist sites and holy places to improve the experience of tourists and citizens of Israel.”

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