Home » today » World » The Ministry of the Interior will push the implementation of additional support for the accommodation of Ukrainian refugees for up to 60 days this week

The Ministry of the Interior will push the implementation of additional support for the accommodation of Ukrainian refugees for up to 60 days this week

Ministry of the Interior (IeM) is preparing and will push the amendments this week Ukrainian in the civil population support law for another primary support for the accommodation of refugees for up to 60 days, informed the parliamentary secretary of the Ministry of Interior, Mārtiņš Šteins (AP).

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The changes are being prepared according to the task of the coalition development committee, and they are expected to be submitted for discussion at the coalition meeting on Wednesday, July 13. After that, it is planned to see them in the Cabinet of Ministers and then also in one of the extraordinary sessions of the Saeima, explained the politician.

The amendments also envisage expanding the competences of the local government in matters of providing support, as well as clarifying other norms to ensure legal clarity.

As a separate issue, it is planned to soon advance the support program for non-governmental organizations (NGOs), which helps Ukrainian civilians. It is possible that the amount of the NGO support program could be around 300,000 euros, but the amount is still planned to be clarified before the government meeting, said Stein.

On the other hand, the upcoming bill, which will be advanced this week, foresees supplementing the regulation with another form of primary support – accommodation with a term of up to 60 days. The municipality will be able to make a decision on the accommodation of the Ukrainian civilian in question for up to 60 days only if 80% of the actually possible number of Ukrainian civilians accommodated in the relevant municipality has been reached and it will not be possible to ensure the accommodation of the Ukrainian civilian in question in another municipality.

If support is granted for 60 days, the relevant Ukrainian citizen will not be able to receive primary support – accommodation for up to 120 days. The draft law provides that the state will continue to provide accommodation, but no longer than until December 31, 2022.

Expenses for accommodation provided to Ukrainian civilians will be covered by the municipality, taking into account the chosen duration of accommodation, not exceeding the maximum amount determined by the Cabinet of Ministers.

The local government will not be able to make a decision on the accommodation of Ukrainian civilians for up to 60 days in relation to those Ukrainian civilians who will be accommodated until the date of entry into force of the amendments provided for in this draft law. Such a condition will be imposed in order to prevent the relocation of Ukrainian civilians from cheaper to more expensive places of accommodation.

As for the other, above-mentioned support program for NGOs that help Ukrainian civilians, it is being developed by the Society Integration Fund (SIF) in accordance with the proposals of NGOs and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Shteins pointed out. When the draft program is prepared, the Ministry of Culture will forward it to the government for further consideration.

The aim of the NGO support program is to allocate state budget funding to SIF in order to provide support for both voluntary work and other NGO activities in support of Ukrainian civilians in 2022.

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