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The Ministry of the Armed Forces wants an “innovative” concept for its future Cyber ​​Operations Center

The consequences that influence operations carried out via social networks can have, as can be seen in the Sahel, show that “cyber” is now essential to ensure the success of a military maneuver. And the Ministry of the Armed Forces has obviously taken the measure, with the creation of the “Cyber ​​Command” [COMCYBER]the annual “DefNet” exercise and the publication of the concepts of Defensive Computer Warfare [LID]Offensive Computer Warfare [LIO] and influence computer fight [L2I].

That said, to have as complete a view as possible of threats and to conduct operations in cyberspace, it is necessary to bring together in one place all the means to assess and process information, to manage “cyber” risks and to provide decision support for actions to be taken. Hence the “Cyber ​​3.0 Operations Center” project, for which the Defense Innovation Agency [AID] has just launched a challenge, in order to find innovative ideas to build it.

“This cyber military operations center should facilitate collaborative work between the various players, allowing the conduct of all LID, L2I and LIO operations. […] It must allow to have a visualization of Cyberspace [des différentes couches et des menaces associées] allowing the understanding of a situation to non-technical actors [hautes autorités, chaînes de commandement, etc] “, explains the AID.

For this challenge, the agency intends to give “free rein to the imagination”, stressing however that this “representation of cyberspace” will have to be “designed to be exploited by several profiles, including “cyber experts to facilitate their technical analyses, the cyber command to help in decision-making and the conduct of operations, the high authorities for a good understanding of the operational situation points”.

That said, insists the AID, the candidates “should not limit their imagination to the existing” and will have to “project themselves technologically, organizationally and physically on a new concept of Cyber ​​Operations Center”. To the point that these “projections could be science fiction with the aim of anticipating the future”.

If participation in this challenge is free, any ideas selected will be… too. “Candidates cannot claim any compensation for their participation”, specifies the rules.

Registration for the AID challenge: https://www.defense.gouv.fr/actualites/participez-au-defi-centre-conduite-operations-cyber-militaires-30

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